Large Dog (2 yes M) Meeting (possible) new puppy (9 weeks, F)


New member
Samwise has been with me since he was a couple months and he's also been the baby of the family, used to getting lots of attention. We found another of his breed (mastiff shepherd) that we really love and so we decided to take a weekend trial with her.

Been forty five minutes, he keeps licking her genitals, he roofs and growls (but it sounds very much like his play growls) and sometimes kind of... herds her? I've stopped him when he does that. He keeps sniffing her face too and just now knocked her to her side when she was sitting and sniffed at her belly?

He's also drooling. I'm so confused by that one.

Samwise is the first dog I've had in my adult years, and so I'm just so new to this and I want them to be friends and I don't want either of them stressed. He seems to be trying his hardest to be gentle, but idk - at least he listens to my commands so he's been good on not bothering her too much.

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