Landlord’s dog doesn’t like me and I’m worried that it’s getting worse


New member
So I rent a room from a couple, and have done for about a year now. Six months ago, they asked me if I would be happy for them to get a dog, which I said yes to as I love animals.

They found a lovely shar pei who unfortunately didn’t have a great start in life (signs of abuse, was abandoned at the shelter etc) and he was alright with me to start.

However over time, he’s becoming more and more hostile towards me. He will growl if I try and touch him and will sometimes growl if I walk past him when we’re in a small room together. I know it’s me that’s the problem, as my landlord and his partner can cuddle him and kiss his face and not get any hostility from him.

The other week I (stupidly, I know) got my face too close to his and he barked and lunged for me, to the point when his teeth actually made contact with my face.

The other day, I was going about my business and something about me must have spooked him because he went for me again (only really catching a mouthful of my coat, I don’t think he was really intending to bite me) and actually backed me into a corner, growling at me.

I try to take him on walks when I’m not working and I give him the odd treat which he always takes very gently, I’m trying to build a good relationship with him without trying too hard. I give him space but I worry that we will just end up not even being able to be in the same room as each other.

I’m so upset because I don’t want it to get the the point when it’s either me or the dog that goes because they would be heartbroken to say goodbye to him :( but at the same time, I don’t want this to get worse and I don’t feel like I can even leave my room.
@mommy1234 So shar peis are notoriously protective of their owners and reserved towards strangers. The dog doesn’t see you as a part of the flock, and you need to increase (with caution of course) the interactions you have with the dog. Talk to your landlord and discuss the issue. Maybe hire a trainer? That’s a good idea seeing as the dog came with some issues beforehand, even if this wasn’t an issue.
@mommy1234 It sounds like it’s become possessive and territorial over its new owners and home!
This is called resource guarding.
Unfortunately every time the dog is growling or lunging for you or whatever it maybe doing says more about the dog than it does you.
It’s clearly been through a lot and was unhappy and now wants to protect that happiness it’s found.
This isn’t something you need to work on alone, the owners of the dog need to step up to, not that it will but what if one day it accidentally bites you when you haven’t done anything but walk past it or through a room? Will it start doing this to other people that come into the home? Kids? Elderly people?
This isn’t just you and you alone, if your friends are open for a conversation and are easy to talk to just mention your concerns and say that you don’t dislike the dog and want to try and work through it for everyone’s benefit including the dog!

There’s no quick or easy fix and could take weeks or months depending on the dog and the consistency of training.
I also want to add that he is worse towards me when my landlords are home.

He will often follow me around the house and wag his tail, and will listen to commands like sit from me.

I don’t think his eyesight is that great and I’m taller than both my landlords; the day he went for me unprovoked I was wearing a big black coat - I don’t know if that maybe freaked him out?