Kibble suggestions


New member
I’m looking for a new kibble for my almost 3 yr old lab I currently feed acana with some raw and mix ins but no longer feel comfortable feeding that after the mars buy out any suggestions of high-quality kibble that doesn’t break the bank I’m 16 and can’t afford those 120 dollar bags of food no matter how much I want to thanks!
No, really folks. They do not evaluate, rate, star, stamp, approve or even ever mention any brands outside of listing their sponsors -- who by the way do not all meet the highest standards laid out by those guidelines.

They explicitly state themselves they don't do this

"The WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee offers expert, evidence-based nutritional information for companion animals to support the veterinary healthcare team. The committee does not endorse, approve, recommend or support specific products or companies."

It is a framework for consumers to understand what goes into responsible formulation.

While Mars contributes small grants to WSAVA that go to fund their guidelines on dozens of topics including microchips and vaccines, not all Mars brands come even close to meeting the highest standards of their nutrition guidelines (aka Nutro).
@charity78777 Have you looked? WSAVA is a nonprofit -- their financials are readily available to anyone who looks at them.

Their audited financials demonstrates they receive $300-$400k TOTAL in all sponsorships per year. They are a $3M organization total with a ton of programming -- very very tiny nonprofit run on essentially a shoestring.

9 sponsors give $300k total. Those are small grants. I work in the nonprofit field (not related to animal health or welfare) and larger nonprofits like, say, the Sierra Club regularly receive $1M single grants, tripling their TOTAL contributions from all the funders they have.

As a side note, Mars is not a Diamond Partner. Purina is. Royal Canin is a silver partner. Iams is not a partner at all but still meets those highest standards.

Their nutrition guidelines are also endorsed by three dozen international and national level veterinary organizations from around the world and are virtually identical to AAHA guidelines both of which are widely used in the vet community.
@charity78777 Do I actually believe independently audited financial statements provided by BakerTilly, one of the largest accounting firms in the world that operates in 150 countries? Yes.

Are you suggesting that the World Small Animal Veterinary Association is commiting criminal financial fraud? Based on what exactly?
@charity78777 That's an outdated link bro, that's why they aren't listed on the main page and you have to access it through google -- they were removed as a partner this year.

And regardless this speaks 0% to the size of grants and financials of the organization which you've conveniently ignored.
@charity78777 There are other brands who meet WSAVA guidelines. I reached out to yumwoof and they stated they met both standards. It’s just those 5 companies are more widespread
@mufudzi There's nobody that regulates who meets these claims. Tons of brands do it. Instinct, FreshPet, Wellness. Because they can.

Who is their DACVN on staff full time?

What peer reviewed research have they published?

How many of their diets have undergone controlled feeding trials?

Do they own 100% of their manufacturing facilities?