Keeping a Rescue Dog Comfortable in a New Space


New member
Hello! Created an account for this because I'm not entirely sure what to do.

I live in a house with two roommates, G and M. M has an Aussie and I've been living with her for over a year. G moved in about a month ago and brought her dog with her. I work from home full time and am alone with the dogs during the day. It's important to note that there was a brief fight between the dogs early on and M's dog is now afraid of G's dog.

G's dog is a rescue (probably around 3 years old) and has pretty severe anxiety, which he's on medication for. He currently stays in the (fully furnished two-room) basement during the work day, and he spends the afternoon outside so he doesn't get too stressed down there. I adore both dogs and try to keep them both as content as possible.

This is not working. He spends hours whining and panting and scratching at the door. He doesn't eat or drink unless someone is with him. We've tried putting up a gate, but he's a strong, heavy dog and can knock it over or move it pretty easily. We tried a scratch guard and he tore through it. This weekend he tore a large piece of the door frame off, and G is super stressed about the damages to the rental house. She's gone through a lot in the last year, and this is added stress that she doesn't need in a time of grief.

G seems unwilling/unable to try training him very much (we've tried to convince her crate training isn't mean), and seems to doubt whether it will help. I can't leave him outside all day because it's going to get cold and snowy soon. I can't let him roam the house because M's dog is scared of him and I don't want them unsupervised together. I'm not sure how to convince G to train him properly or how to even go about it in a way that will save the house in the meantime.

I'm worried for my roommates and both dogs, not to mention this is difficult to juggle with my day job. How do I help?

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