K this is really disgusting but HELP


New member
Ok .. so I normally feed my dog canned food , and she always finishes it... but one particular day recently, she didn't. And I thought she might eat it so I left it there for like a day, then another day, and then it got really gross looking so I kind of avoided it, fed her again a couple times in a different bowl, and ugh, don't judge me , it was really gross looking and I'm the type to avoid things, I was gonna get around to it but anyway, I went out today, and when I got home .... The nasty disgusting bowl of food was GONE. Meaning she ate it .,🤮🤮🤮🤮 Will this hurt her in any way? Should I take her to the vet?! She seems fine. But idk how she could have ever ate that. Im worried for my girl and mad at myself. For what it's worth she's a great Dane/Cane Corso, about 130 lbs and 10+ years old.
@juridical Dogs have pretty tough digestive systems. But, fresh food and water will be best for them. Just don’t repeat this. You don’t want to deal with diarrhea.

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