Just experienced the most malicious, devious and personal attack on my own emotional well-being a dog has ever commited


New member
So we're out on this really nice forest walk, right? New path, super wild area, pretty steep hillside, me, the Jellbeast (Jelly(fish) 5 month golden retriever) and my mother! great time, lovely walk,

and I find this sick pawprint! I think it was a badger, very cool very cool. My mum's lower down the hill than us so I call her up to come check it out! Jelly's being relatively calm, looking off in the distance and smelling plants, pretty good all things considered.

My mum's about... 4 feet from me? Just peering over to see the print, I reach down and point and it only for this hellion, this beast, this toad this guhhdamn cretin in dog fur she LEAPS through the air to land RIGHT on the pawprint AND STARTS WILDLY AND VICIOUSLY DIGGING AT IT ALL WHILE GOING GRRGHH GRAGH MGGHHH H

swear to god, I about nearly sobbed 😭 no other prints around and she would NOT STOP LMAO she has such a solid "leave it!", I've even called her off of birds that suddenly just fly up and she just??? I dragged her away, the leash went slightly slack and she FLEW right back into it 💀 it was fucking personal, god.

edited for puppy tax because i said so :
@momma5 I feel this. I was taking pictures of a neat plant to send my partner. The picture my partner received instead was a blurry mess in which you could just barely make out our pup ripping said plant out of my fingers shortly before charging off in the other direction to shred the plant to pieces and scatter amongst the grass.
@gremlinxvi Pointed out a pretty flower to my partner on a walk one time and as I was leaning down to smell it my puppy body slammed me out of the way to chomp the flower. Then promptly spat it back out and carried on, very proud of himself.
@momma5 It’s really a sign of intelligence that he understands pointing!!

Maybe you could help your mom get some raised beds and/or use some cheap fencing, or use 5 gallon buckets and put them on something so that the dog can’t get to it?!
@barlean that could work! but the garden setup is super weird, that would end up being more hassle than it's worth unfortunately.

the tomato plant blood was definitely on my hands for not watching her more closely in the garden! we've had no more casualties (plants, that is, pawprints and random moss clumps mhh not so much) now that I've kept a better eye on her! my old dog really spoiled me because he immediately knew what was free game and what wasn't whereas jelly firmly believes in the wild west ways of living which caught me off guard 💀
@momma5 Well, clearly that pawprint was a terrifying threat to your very existence. I, for one, think you should be thanking little Jelly for saving both you and your mother from certain doom.

Hoomans. So unappreciative. Sheesh.