Ive had my rescue Gsd only a few days but I still haven't heard a bark, howl or really anything. He's around 1.5 years old we are guessing


New member
He is a sweetheart completely. I got bud from a kill shelter in Clovis New Mexico. He has had a rough go at life you can tell but the thing is he has made maybe 1 groan while he was sleeping and that whine gsds have when they have a super duper big yawn just once or twice. It's very strange to have a dog that is so silent. I've had gsds before and they were all not really big barkers but I at least had heard it. I always said my last gsd had a grab a gun bark, if she were to bark you knew it meant something. But it wasn't to this extent of silence like bud my rescue. I mean I'm not complaining but more confused. I think it would be 4 days or 5 now I guess that I've had him. I live in Denver in a busy area we have go on walks he has seen squirls that he wanted other dogs mail trucks you name it, nothing got him going enought to let out a peep.
@nikki225 Foster for a GSD Rescue here.

With a Rescue, it's the rule of 3s.

3 Days to Decompress. 3 Weeks to start seeing their "personality". 3 months for them to feel they are in their "Forever Home" and feel safe.

If he was ever a stray, being quiet is how you stay alive. He will start talking at least some when he is ready. Enjoy the silence while you can.
@llerrad11 Yeah I know the rule of threes and I expected an unusual experience from taking him in. I have zero paperwork but what I do know is he was found roaming Clovis NM and I guess looked like shit like maybe he had been out for a long while he then was caught by animal control after a long fight of him being illusive. They just kill em out there but because he is a gsd he is desirable so they gave him time to be adopted. Nobody wanted him and then a rescue In Denver where I'm at got to him days before his scheduled death and he had a long road in Denver moving foster to foster into some unfortunate places I heard and people were saying he is too much un wieldy to walk all stuff that makes no sense to me because he is perfect It was the first walk I went on with him that I had him with no command automatically sitting next to me when I stopped walking. So it's just odd all of it
@nikki225 What you just described was 90% of the dogs the rescue I work with deals with. Most of our dogs come from Texas and the photos we get from the shelters are.....sad at best and horrific at worst. Unfortunately a lot of newish Fosters don't always know how to handle the dogs with issues. The Puppies and ones that were surrendered because the owners can't afford them, often have few issues and are easy. My wife and I prefer to take the "Old and Broken" as I like to say. Would much rather help a dog that really needs the help while others take the little puppies.

It also has to do with how the dog feels around a particular person. You match the dog and he knows that. I tell people all the time "The Dog picks you. You don't pick the dog."

Thank you for adopting.
@llerrad11 It's been an Amazing experience so far. And I will definitely continue fostering even while having this pup once he is good. Truly a great experience. My last gsd I said was a crack puppy I got her at 3 weeks old because the idiots sold the mom when they were 2 weeks old. And you can tell they bred purely to make a buck for id assume meth being it was Seattle but crack puppy rolls of the tongue better lol not funny but still gotta bring light to it. Ended up passing of cancer at just 4 yrs old very shitty experience but before she was gone that whole experience was amazing. Such a great dog and my girl completely never had I been so attached and in tune with a dog and vice versa


That was my girl bella
@llerrad11 Its life whatcha Gunna do I can tell you though that dog had a hell of a 4 years I basically lived in the Forest shed chase me through miles of trails my dirt bike would go rock crawling with me in my trucks if it was too sketchy for her to be inside because of a potential rollover she'd get kicked out and I'd get to the top hop out and wonder how tf she got to the top I mean she had a kick ass life and so will bud
I'm currently technically his foster but me and the rescue are already in agreement that I can have him permanently but are just letting me ride out them helping with his supplies as they begged me to take him in because they were 1000 bucks in on boarding fees and I said I wasn't sure if it was currently feasible for me so I'm fostering to adopt. But yeah we all know he is mne lol
@nikki225 That is how it should be. Our Rescue prefers to do the "Foster to Adopt" whenever medical bills are involved. Can't adopt a dog with tons of bills right off the bat. Glad it worked out.
@nikki225 My dog almost never barks. She only whines.

Like I can count how often my gsd has barked in her life (she is 14 months old).

Some seem to not be that barky.

You have had him for a few days. Dogs need a lot of time to aclimate. Maybe you are in for a big suprise when he starts to bloom up and bark. Who knows :D

However he is pretty lucky you adopted him :)
@nwc I'm just thinking to myself currently how insanely lucky am I to have had 2 gsds now and if bud is like my last one bella than I'm truly I need to buy a lottery ticket bella like I mentioned in a previous comment had a grab a gun bark as I call it. With her I only needed to grab the gun 2 times. In 4 years lol. I genuinely can't say I even remember what it sounded like and she only passed a year ago. Trying to not jinx it but I can already tell based on this past bit the dog is attached to me and claimed me. Shit he listens insanely well it's incredible. Blows my damn mind how great this dog is
@nikki225 We had a similar experience when we adopted a four year old GSD from a shelter. We were amazed that he never barked, especially since our living room windows are 6’ high and face a somewhat busy sidewalk.

That lasted about 2-3 months. He became comfortable with us and will bark at any dog that passes unless we keep the shutters closed. He’s been with us for four years now and doesn’t hesitate to use his voice when he wants our attention.
@onefollows Was he mostly uninterested by all of it? Like there is a dog down the road that barks his ass off and we'll truthfully all dogs barks at him I assume because of his size idk and he may glance at them then just carry on like he just don't give a rats ass about distraction. Besides squirls he sits down and just stares longingly at them.
@nikki225 I’m not sure that his previous owners walked him much. He was surrendered to the shelter because his previous owners were keeping him in an outdoor pen during the winter and the dog warden gave them the option of paying fines or surrendering him.

He went from living outside to being an indoor dog with us. He acclimated beautifully and quickly bonded to me especially, because I was the one taking him on the 3.5 mile daily walks.

Around the same time that he rediscovered his barking voice, he also became leash aggressive to other dogs. Not all dogs, mainly the ones that bark at him first or make prolonged eye contact. We enrolled in a training program for reactive dogs that was really helpful but there are no “chill” walks with him. I have to be on alert for other dogs we might encounter and redirect him with commands, treats, etc. He’s likes people, just gets triggered by some dogs.
@onefollows Interesting this guy was on the streets for a hot min than in a terrible shelter and then good bad and indifferent foster situations since mid December I assume it's the prolonged bullshit he dealt with and who knows how long he was on the streets he looked feral in the one photo I've seen when caught by animal control
@nikki225 I just saw the photo you posted and he is a beautiful boy. Like others said, it took a few months for ours to settle in, get comfortable and show his true personality.

This is our first GSD but when we saw him at the shelter there was no way we were leaving him there. Fortunately, we have the time, space and determination to give him the attention and resources he deserves.

It’s been incredibly rewarding. We are lucky to have found each other.
@onefollows What's hilarious is I applied for fostering saying not really looking for a German shepherd then the person by accident sent me a photo of him then apologized because there reread the application and said of your not looking for a gsd and sent 4 other dogs and I instantly ignored everything about those 4 dogs and was like can I can I can I can I have himmmmm
@nikki225 My female is the barker. Barks at anything moving. My male only barks when I come home for a couple mins because he's excited and when the two of them play. I can probably count on 1 hand how many times he's barted at people or animals and it's only because the female is. He's 2 and she's 3.

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