I've found something that genuinely makes walks and reactivity tracking feel less miserable

@faitfulservant67 Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve been trying to find a way to track my boy’s reactivity and none of my methods have stuck so far. Just downloaded the app and set it up, can’t wait to use it for our next walk!
@faitfulservant67 This is such a great idea and I’m downloading it now! I was literally sobbing this morning after my dog had a negative reaction to a trigger (& it was my fault hence why I was so upset about it). I definitely need to reframe and have more fun. On good days I can do that fine, but bad days I’m the same as you - I have anxiety just exiting the front door, which absolutely travels down the leash to my dog. Im excited, thanks!
@khaldrogo I'm so sorry to hear that, I have definitely ugly sobbed in the car on the way home from a disastrous walk so I understand. Some days it just feels like too much and it's hard not to blame yourself, but none of us are doing this thing perfect all the time. I hope this can help you focus on all the ways you're succeeding!

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