Issue with appetite in senior dog


New member
I've got a 8.5 year old lab mix. No health issues aside from anxiety (he's very happy where we live aside from storms), blood and fecal came back clear. He's been steadily losing weight over the past 3-4 years but would always bounce back up. He was never below 50lb and would usually be around 55lb when bouncing back up. He dropped to 47lb though at a vet visit last month and is now 48lb after his annual check up.

I switched him to puppy food, but the vet says he needs to be eating 3 cups a day. We want him at 55lb and then go from there. Raw unpasturized goats milk was recommended to add calories which we got from the store. He doesn't like it in the kibble, so he gets it in a separate bowl. He'll eat the puppy kibble but nowhere near a consistent 3 cups everyday. I tried adding chicken broth and a raw egg, he's just not interested. Does anyone have any tips?