Issue with a rescue

My gf and I just got a dog as a rescue from Louisiana. We got a Ring camera to keep an eye on her and she seems to be fine for about 5-6 hours before all hell breaks loose and she chews everything. She also doesn’t seem to understand toys as she doesn’t play with them but she does chew on bones sometimes.

Anyone have recommendations on how to work on her anxiety or whatever it is that’s causing her to chew shit after prolonged alone time? We routinely leave her for short hours and she’s fine she just seems to have issues when we’re at work and neither of us are around for 8-9 hours.
@eternalvictory00 Maybe get a dog walker to come take her out mid-day? Or you could take turns coming home at lunch to take her out for a potty break and some playtime?

She probably has to pee and is channeling that stress into chewing.
@crutchfield23 Interesting, haven’t thought of that one. Everything I read says separation anxiety but haven’t thought that she just wanted to go out. My gf and I did decide to do a dog walker the days where we both work all day and can’t take her out. It’s roughly 6 days a month as I work shift work so I can do it the other days when I’m on nights. She’s a teacher so she can’t just come home and I don’t work a job that’d afford me that plus it’s 45 mins away anyway. Thanks for the suggestion though!
@eternalvictory00 Nah. Separation anxiety usually hits the instant you leave. Panic at being alone.

What kind of dog or how big? You could try hiding things for her to hunt, food toys or Kong toys, etc. but she’d likely find them all before the chewing stage hits.
@crutchfield23 Not sure. We were told she’s a terrier mix and alittle over a year old and about 15lbs. We have a Kong toy, we have bones, balls and stuffed animals and she’ll take them out of the bin we keep them in, in between chewing shoes but never plays with them. Just dumps them out. She’ll chew her deer antler bone but that’s about it. Idk if it’s right or not but someone mentioned that rescues sometimes don’t realize what toys are but idk how to get her to enjoy them.

My other thought was we keep the bedroom door closed when not at home but that’s also the place she usually runs to when trying to hide or is startled by something so I thought maybe she’s just wanting to go in there and lay on the bed so we’re leaving that open tomorrow and over the weekend we’re going to work on getting a dog walker set up for the days I can’t take her out in the early afternoons.
@eternalvictory00 Yes, many rescues have never seen toys. For a terrier, I would try a flirt pole. My terrier loved his! Best toy ever. For her size, a cat one might work but we got a dog-sized one and tied a squeaky on the end. It worked!

Also, terrier, try making a toy scurry across the floor, especially a fluffy/fur one with a squeaker. They look the most like prey and if you make it move like a little critter you may have success. Real fur is best but even a fluffy stuffed thing she might go for.
@trutheran Well we tried covering the shoe racks with blankets and towels but she just ripped them down and got to the shoes anyway. She’s fine for about 6 hours then she just goes on a rampage.
@eternalvictory00 Yeah you will have to put the shoes in a container or physically out of her reach. Your bedroom closet is also an option. An ingested shoelace could be a very costly vet bill, not to mention the cost of lost shoes.
@trutheran Yea closet won’t work we’re in an apt and barely have closet room for our clothes. We’re taking her to vet tomorrow for a check up so we’re planning on talking to her and see what she suggests. I’ve prolonged the crating because I hate it but it might be the only option other then the dog walker.