Is Open Farms safe?


New member
Thinking of switching puppy to Open Farms puppy kibble (grains version). My puppy is 6 months and a golden retriever.

Is this food safe? He was previously on Purina Pro Shredded Chicken and Rice but every month seemed to have diarrhea. I also do like Open Farms ingredients better.

It does seem compared to PPP this doesn’t have biotin (which is ok because is easy to supplement) and vitamin K. How important is vitamin K?
Just want opinions on this Open Farms. Thanks!
@qqsyrinxqq I’ve heard mixed reviews

The one thing that stuck out to me from this food was that it claims to help prevent allergies. I’m not sure how they’re doing that or what research they’ve done that proves this

Food companies claiming things like that usually gives me pause, especially considering they don’t seem to have information posted about how that works.
@qqsyrinxqq Open farm doesn’t have an appropriate expert on staff, doesn’t conduct feeding trials, and uses one of the biggest copacker manufacturing plants in the country to produce their diets. They don’t come even close to meeting the highest standards in the industry.

Ingredients are not an effective way to evaluate a dog food and nice sounding ingredients does not confer quality or health.
@qqsyrinxqq Remember dogs need nutrition not ingredients. Don’t be fooled by boutique brands that say “we use real meat” they all use real meat. Actual meat is like 70% water, which is why they use lots of legumes and ingredient split

I would stick with PPP
@qqsyrinxqq I’d try changing the protein rather than the food. Ours is starting with tummy troubles on PPP chicken and will change to lamb.
(We’ve rules out other things with testing at the vet)
@qqsyrinxqq Our puppy was also on PPP from 8 weeks to about 3.5 months, then I switched her and my 4 year old dog (who has a poultry allergy and an EXTREMELY sensitive belly) to the Open Farm ‘wild caught salmon’ with grains— they’ve been on that for about 3 months and they’re both doing great with consistent healthy poops and hardly ever itching or paw licking anymore. Just sharing my experience though, every dogs different😊
@qqsyrinxqq pup may have a chicken allergy or could need more fiber or less fat or possibly have a parasite it really could be anything, I'd talk with your vet before changing food. I had a similar issue with my male aussie we had him on a lamb formula food for the first 2 months we had him and his coat got dull, he got dry itchy skin and was biting/itching constantly along with random stomach issues. Turns out he needs a higher fiber food and he's allergic to lamb....

Both my dogs are now on wellness complete with oatmeal which we've been happy with, I'm switching slowly to a different brand due to the other dog needing more omegas (pain to get her to take the omega pills) and the fact that they don't like the wellness whitefish and oatmeal (they are snobs and prefer salmon lol)
@qqsyrinxqq I don’t know, the foster we got our dogs from had them on it, so I didn’t change it.

Our vet told us to switch to the one with grain, so I did that.

The inventory in store is spotty, if I were picking in a vacuum I might pick something that has more consistent stock levels.

As for quality who knows, but it certainly is as expensive as anything.