Is a crate necessary?


New member
Ok so I’m going to be getting my first puppy in a few weeks and I’m trying to get everything I need now. One thing I’ve gotten is a nice playpen so I can keep an eye on him while I work atleast until he’s trained a bit. Would that work as a crate? I would have a bed and water bowl as well as a puppy pad. I’m fully ok with getting a crate but if I don’t need to buy one I won’t.
@ptrk A crate is a necessary safety tool for your dog. Whether it needs transportation or temporary restraint, it's a 'must have'. Crate aversion is an issue - make the crate part of 'home'. I placed my crate in a high-use area (facing into kitchen, basically). I leave it open at all times. My girl uses it as a safe space, and as a nice cool space when it's hot. If I need her to go in and get shut in, she gets a bribe and is willing - although she always pretends to angrily bite the bars when I lock it!
@kylein Yep my dogs love their crate. We don’t use it as the time out place or anything like that.

It’s just their little room. One keeps his fav toy in it and the other on likes to go in it when he’s tired.

If we ever have a plumber or whatever it’s super easy to get them in there.

I have one friend who’s afraid of dogs. No problem they can come for dinner and my dogs are happy to wait it out.
@ptrk Agree with slartbangle, I'd really highly suggest a crate for when you're home and can't supervise. It's not only for their safety, it's making it a safe space for them for times when they may need to be crated in scary situations, such as travel, the vet, or groomer.
@ptrk Necessary? I’d say probably for the training stage at least while you’re not home. If you’re not someone like me who could be around their dog 24/7 during training then yeah a crate would be necessary if you don’t want everything you own chewed up constantly. And probably for bedtime too. Though I’ll say I’ve really never used a crate for my dog.
@ptrk Crates are really really good to have. Our big dogs - a german shep mix and a pitty mix love theirs, they go in them just to rest and relax and we crate them every night. That way we know they won't be roaming around and getting into anything they shouldn't or making a mess or getting riled up by sounds from outside. It's to the point where if we don't latch them in at night they get antsy, ha. It makes them feel secure - dogs like dens. We have thick good quality dog beds in there for them, blankets for the pitty, and we drape the crates with blankets so it's nice and dark and cozy even when husband is working w the light on. They'd honestly be miserable without them.

That all said, we have a little 6lb chihuahua who is about 10 months old and all he uses is play pen and blankets. The pen is really light weight plastic but it's enough to contain him even when he jumps - there's no way a pen would have held our other dogs even as puppies. We have one upstairs in our room for night time and one down stairs just to contain him as needed (he's a little more prone to being naughty or having accidents indoors and sometimes he just needs to be contained.) We HAVE a crate for him but he doesn't use it, and a soft carrying bag for the car. He seems content without one but he's a very very different dog. (Shep mix is 70lbs Pitty is 35 and STRONG, both are rescues and have issues with anxiety).
@nazeazeno See I’m getting a shih Tzu so the play pen is for when I won’t be able to give him 100% of my attention when I’m working. I’ll probably get a crate anyway and see what he likes more since it’s probably going to be good for travel anyway.
@ptrk Oh see a tiny dog like that? A play pen is a great idea. Our chihuahua has his peepad in there and toys (and ALL THE SOCKS) and a little soft bed and he's right in the living room so he can see everyone. It's great for him. He needs to be contained much more than the bigger dogs do - for his safety and because STOP POOPING ON THE FLOOR PLEASE - so just a crate wouldn't work for him. But I still think you should get one, especially for any travel. Congrats on your new puppy!!! Do you know what you'll name him yet? I love shih tzus they're so feisty and cute.
@nazeazeno His name is going to be Rico! We were pretty suddenly given a 2 year old dog a few months ago named Lola and we thought it be cute if both names were related to the song Copacabana! Also Rico just sounds like a really cute name. We had a shih tzu before and I absolutely love them they are just so sassy.
@ptrk Its super useful for sure! It lets you have a break from your dog when you need it and gives you peace of mind that they wont get into anything that they shouldnt. Its also super helpful for potty training and your pup will end up being put in a kennel at the vet and the groomers regardless of if you decide to crate or not so its best to desensitize them to the kennel at least until the pup is used to it and knows what to expect. Its definitely one of the more expensive purchases you will make(or not you can usually find them pretty cheap at garage sales and whatnot just make sure you sanitize and clean it up REALLY well before letting your pup use it) but its 100% worth it
@mtouch Didn’t use one for my lab either, we just closed all
the doors, put away the garbage bin & basically baby proofed the house so he couldn’t chew up anything he shouldn’t.
Nothing against the crates, they’re nice and pups should be used to them, but I prefer my dog to be able to stretch his legs, sleep on the couch or look out the living room window
@ptrk OP crate training is so key. In addition to the benefits inside your home, they can make many aspects outside of your home more manageable:
  • Many vets use crates if the dog has to stay with them a few days.
  • Some groomers use crates and place the dog in there while the pup awaits pick up.
  • Some pups don't travel well but feel more safe in their crate in the car.
  • If you ever have to travel with the pup via air or rail you would need a crate.
Crate train so your pup can smoothly manage any of the above situations with ease and comfort. And yes he is also safer and more comfortable in your home as well.
@ptrk yes to a crate 100%. you'll need it for him especially at night at first then leave it open during the day. cover it with a blanket so it's like a den. and have a few blankies he can keep in there with him, and you can wash. it will become his safe place.
Hey thanks to everyone for the comments! I did end up buying a crate but the dog I have now (she was rehomed to us a few months ago) has claimed it for herself! As far as we know she was never crate trained but she loves it! I ended up buying a second one for the puppy since I couldn’t in my heart take this from her lol.

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