incident at the dog park


New member
Hello all,
I live in a city where I don't have a backyard, so at night I take my dogs to a fenced-in dog park when no one else is usually around. I'm talking after dark. I do this because my dogs bark a lot despite some training.

Last night around 9:30 p.m. my dogs were running in the fenced in park and a car began to pull up. I quickly grabbed the leashes and began to try to corral them up so that we could get in the car and leave so the next person could have the park to themselves.

Well when the car parked my dogs started barking a lot. That man parked his car and immediately let his unleashed dog jump out. That dog ran straight up to the fence where my dogs were. One of my dogs bit that dog on the head through the fence. Absolutely terrible of course.

The man was upset with me, and I was frustrated with him that he let his unleashed dog run up to the fence where my dogs were barking their asses off. He said that it is at zero fault of his own and that his dog is going to die from the one and a half inch wound on top of the head. He said that the dog was sweet and they eventually intended to go to a different section of the park. But the dog is very sweet, but has had his face ripped off in the past.

I didn't want to see this dog hurt and I did my best to do a little first aid at the scene. I gave the man my information and we parted ways.

This morning he called and text me upset saying that this is absolutely no fault of his own and I'm going to have to pay for vet care, that he doesn't have any money because he just bought a new car and he shouldn't have to because it's my fault entirely.

I don't want to be a s***** person, and I understand that my dog bit the other. I'm just not sure how to feel about this. Has anyone ever been in this situation? I'm very empathetic to animals and in general I have low self-esteem and high empathy so I get taken advantage often. I just want to do the right thing. I can't help be a little upset that I feel like he does have some responsibility in letting his dog off leash to run up on my dogs, and ignoring the signs... But I know it's a public place.
@qody Well, your dog did bite his dog. It was an unfortunate circumstance all around. There's really nothing that can force you to pay for the vet bill unless he takes you to court. I'd want to avoid that at all costs if I were you, so maybe offer to pay for some if not all of the bill. But call the vet directly and get them to send you a receipt for what you paid. Mainly for a paper trail and to know that your money is going to the care of the dog and not to this guy's car note.
@stbgradmom79 Thank you for responding. Despite barking, this is been the first time incident for any of the dogs that I've had since puppyhood. I know that's my word against anyone else's. But the other party is being very demanding today that I pay for vet bills today and I'm not certain on what to do. I feel like he's in the very least partially at fault. I feel that I did everything to try to ensure that my dogs would be safe and in compliance (going when the park was uninhabited, keeping them leashed in any areas that were not fenced, giving the courtesy of preparing to leave so that the other party could use the park privately. Up until the moment he opened his door to let his unleashed dog run to the fence immediately upon arrival.) I suppose because of my nature and self-esteem if someone is aggressive I just take the fault and do what they ask.
@qody His dog had every right to be by the fence. They would still have attacked the dog whether it was on a leash of not - the only difference is the owner could have pulled his dog away faster. Your dog was still the aggressor.

I suppose because of my nature and self-esteem if someone is aggressive I just take the fault and do what they ask.

That may be, but in this instance you take the fault because it IS your fault. You are in the wrong. There is no question. The only question is whether you pay 50/50 or the whole thing.

If your dogs have the potential to harm, they wear a muzzle anywhere they go in public. For the protection of others, and also themselves.

As the biters owner I hold you responsible for not just the other dog's injury, but for additional harm that could come to your own dog from being reported and having a record that if added to could lead to their demise.
@qody I wouldnt pay anything. Your dogs were in a fenced area, he didn't leash his dog... and immediately starts blaming you. Just wants money. Id ignore him.
@qody So you're upset someone brought an unleashed dog to an off leash dog park? Your dog bit the other dog (obviously your dogs have other issues than just barking) and yoire upset they want you to pay the vet bills?

You are 100% at fault. Walk your dogs on a leash, they are not appropriate dog park dogs
I'd just like to add that this is why I'm asking around. I want to hear every aspect and opinion. I care that his dog was hurt. I feel like I took every single precaution that I could on my end other than not being there at all, and it was very unexpected. It's a dog park that we've frequented for 2 years without incident, other than my border collie being very noisy. If it's completely my fault considering that, I definitely want to do the right thing. The way that the rest of the situation was approached, I don't feel very easy about it all, and I wanted to make sure as it's not an experience I've ever had.
@qody You're really just looking for validation to not pay for the vet bills at this point. You've reiterated the same story multiple times now.

Your dogs do not belong at a dog park. I go to one daily. Its off leash, I park by the gate and do not leash my dogs. Its a common practice at OFF LEASH dog parks.

Just walk your dogs on a leash from now on. If he calls the police, yoir dog could be branded dangerous then you'll have to muzzle it everytime you leave the house. I suggest you don't make him escalate this
@qody Ok I just know some dog parks require leashes at least in Utah thats why I was asking. It's his fault also. You offered to help but it's not all on you and the guy is just being a greedy city boy. His dog isn't going to die because If that was the case we wouldnt be talking. You would have already been at the vet with him paying while his dog is in surgery or being helped. I'm an asshole from what my wife says and if this was me in the situation. I would have told him you should have left your dog on his leash and kiss my ass
@qody Look at the end of the day you put in what sounds like a real effort to prevent any accidents and he should always have his dog on a leash and expect not every dog to be friendly, my dog is the sweetest boy in the world but he’s also growled and snarled at other dogs across the street while dragging me down the driveway so I understand that struggle and thankfully I haven’t had an issue yet. All I can say is train them to come to you immediately when you say to prevent any miscommunication with other owners but as for this issue it’s definitely debatable who was at fault and saying this. Your dog was also the aggressor so I think paying for half is more than fair
@anonymous95 I'm frustrated, but I do feel that paying for half or part of the bill would be fair since my dogs bit his dog. But I'm really not feeling good about the fact that he is unyielding to any fault and I'm pretty sure he's not going to be open to negotiating the bill if he does take the dog in. I'm usually extremely way too nice, so I'm used to getting taken advantage of, so I'm just weary.
@qody That’s totally understandable and that’s what makes me think you’re right he’s just trying for some money. Stay in touch and just remember that you didn’t bring his dog to yours to be bitten, he had a part to play along with it being his pet. And even if it was brought to a third party to be decided (if it should get to that point, which it shouldn’t I don’t think) A dog off of his leash is a MASSIVE issue bc that’s just a blatant sign that he had no control over his animal and while yours weren’t either you were inside a closed off area intended to allow your dog off his leash. Your only real issue is your dog bit first otherwise he ignored almost every safety precaution for a dog I’ve seen

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