In need of advice. Dog is declining in manners and friendliness


New member
Hi all,

My dogs: Sam (6) - 50lb lab mix. Frankie (4) -55lb heeler/Aussie mix. Both are well mannered, high energy dogs that play great together. When it's just my wife and I after kids go to bed Frankie either lays in a room by himself or cuddles with my wife and I.
Frankie is extremely anxious towards my 3.5 y/o kid, but not towards my 6 mo old kid.
My wife, every few weeks hosts a rover dog in order to supplement our income. Over the past 3 years of Rover sitting at this frequency we've only had issues in the past few months.
Over the past few months we've had some issues with Frankie. He has become more defensive and even to the point of aggressive.

Incident 1: A year ago, My wife was out running errands while I was at work. She returned home to a visiting dog having what appeared to be a warning nip on the end of his nose. We assumed this to be from Frankie as he had been showing abnormal defensiveness and acting apprehensive about the visiting dog.

Incident 2: My toddler was running around our home and chasing both Sam and Frankie. At some point, toddler came crying from the kitchen to mom with what appeared to be a warning nip on his stomach. This really made my wife and I uncomfortable and unsure about what to do with Frankie.

Incident 3: Frankie when meeting other dogs when we go on walks seems to be becoming less and less friendly. Even putting out warning nips if dogs get close enough to smell.

Incident 4: Again with another visiting dog, Frankie and the visitor were outside waiting to be let inside from the enclosed back yard. While waiting some aggressive barking and yelling occurred. After checking over both dogs, it was clear that Frankie had bit the visitor on his snout. Frankie left 3 small wounds that did bleed mildly.

This 4th incident is really putting Frankie's behaviors over the line of what is tolerable. My wife has adjusted her Rover to not take any new clients or returners that have had any inkling of an issue.

Advice time: We are at a point of whether we need to put him up for adoption? Another option is to simply put him down, which really isn't ideal as we do really love him and he's so sweet most of the time. We are at a point of. What now?

Any advice positive or negative is welcome.