I'm hiding from my puppy on my kitchen floor drinking beer


New member
Master Edit: I will update the post on night 2 instead of making a new one. Why not ya know? It's w(h)ine night.

Don't worry I'm laughing about it. My puppy has trained my husband that if she whines in her crate he should let her out and let her sleep on the couch. This was (obviously) unsustainable, and explains why crate training was backsliding. So now moms in charge and I'm waiting out her whining. So, here I am, sitting on my kitchen floor where she can't see me and drinking a beer. I'll outlast her. I will!

All jokes aside so far not bad, I just wanted to share a giggle with some.

Edit: It's been an hour and I'm out of beer. We are entering the "extinction burst" phase.

Edit II: She's quiet and currently shredding her blankets, she's either about to pee or bout to sleep.


Edit IV: she laid down to sleep and husband thought that was a prime time to take out trash. Pray for him.

Edit V: she’s sleeping now. Only an hour and a half of whining. I was prepared for two. I’ll likely be back here at 3am for the post potty whine. That’s normally when she gets her couch time.

Edit VI: she got two very boring potty breaks but then only fussed for a few minutes. Round two tonight. I’m expecting a whine night but shorter. Also puppy tax:

Settle in kids, it's time for night two. Bedtime is in five minutes, I've got wine chilling in the fridge. leggo.

Update 1: Deployed a peanut butter kong and poured myself a glass of wine. I've got some work I need to do tonight so trying to power through before the wining starts. Husband is hiding in the kitchen, in MY HIDING SPOT.

Update 2: We're now both hiding in the kitchen, sitting on the floor, the kong is consumed, the temper tantrum has started. Pray for us.

Update 3: 38 minutes of whining and she’s out.
@yhwhisgzez Updated. She laid down to sleep and my husband took out the the trash and restarted her whining. She’s finally calmed down. I suspect I’ll be back here with more edits in a few hours when we enter the boss level which is “post potty break let me on the couch damnit”
@shasay7 Have you tried covering the crate with a blanket? Works for my puppy, as it's literally 'out if sight, out of mind' for us and for her, so she usually just relaxes or sleeps as she knows she won't break us.
@linkrobertson I agree. It taps into the "den" instinct in dogs and might make her feel less abandoned. Worked for my pup. Only 1

full night of whining when we brought him home. Now, 6 weeks later, he mostly only cries when he needs to go out. We even used a blanket we had given him within the first few days of bringing him home so it smelled like him too. Not sure if it mattered but I'd like to think it helped.
@shasay7 Man I’m so glad we made it past these days. I can’t afford all the wine we were going through. Good luck tonight!!

Edit: maybe try music. Our puppy especially likes jazz. It’s like magic.
@brh1989 How did you decide on jazz? Did your pup bark through the others? I put on the classical radio station when I leave the house. I have no idea if he likes or hates it. But its routine now so I stick with it.
@anchorholds I discovered it during our second night together. I had a soft piano station on and she was whining regardless. When a song came on the station that was more jazzy with a few more instruments in it she quieted down immediately. My theory is that the gentle repetitive drum/cymbal rhythm is what really does it. As soon as the song ended and it went back to solo piano, she started whining again. So I put the song on repeat and finally got some sleep! Now it’s all I play when I leave the house and she seems to do just fine!