I'm a new dog washer!! Hope I'm welcome :))


New member
I recently got a job as a dog washer at the groomers I take my dog to. It's been a couple months and I can't say I'm loving it but the people are great. I just wanted to share some realizations to people I know would understand.
  1. DOODLES. Doodles everywhere everything is a god damn doodle.
  2. The only completely predictable breed is a husky. If they don't scream the entire time it's not a husky.
  4. People having absolutely crazy names for their dogs breed. At what point can you just call it a mutt?? Wtf is your pug terrier doo
  5. I'm a huge dog lover but god damn some dogs are ugly
  6. How did you not know your dog has fleas??
  7. d o o d l e s
@aubree How do you let your dog sleep in/on the bed with a butt crusted with poop and eye boogers an inch thick??

Try some Marshmello shampoo and a heavy conditioner like Nature's Specialties Remo or Aloe coat conditioner. It helps with the Doodles. I feel your pain!
@aubree “I don’t believe in treating my dog with flea and tick medicine! That stuff is pure chemicals!” Uh your dog has 7 ticks.. one is hanging right off her eye lid, how did you not notice this?
@jorb2 I probably just would’ve quit on the spot. Ignorant twats. For real tho I’m always scared to call the crazy pet parents and tell them their dog has ticks or fleas because of exactly what happened to you!!
@aubree Number 2 is the one thing I live by. Before working at a salon I used to want to own a husky... sweet summer child lol.

If I see a husky on the schedule I know it’ll be a rough day. They’re the biggest drama queens 😂
@aubree Wait until you get a stuck up 180 lbs Saint Bernard. We have one named Moose. He says no to everything including standing up during bathing, blow drying and the kennels. It seriously takes three of us to get anything done with him. But we do love him ❤️❤️