If you think it’s bad now, it will get better ❤️‍🩹 8 month old puppy now


New member
Hii I was like you all posting about puppy blues, but now my 28 lb pomsky puppy is 8 months old and she’s almost perfect 🤩 she is fully potty trained by using a sliding door dog door to our backyard, she doesn’t bite, she doesn’t pull on walks, and she’s soo sweet and affectionate. Less hyper, and now I can leave her alone for 8 hours and not have to have her in the crate. It gets better!! 🫶🫶 she’s my bestie now, so cute, fluffy and silly. So stay positive y’all!!
@kanelee5 Hah it's funny you say that; my puppy just hit 8 months today, and I had to chase her to get some stuffing from a small stuffed animal out of her mouth before she swallowed it. I failed. Meanwhile my 8-years-old-dog is perfect. Someday...
@notsparedtherod My puppy will be 9 months march 10..I was just telling my friend how much better she is. Well..that same day, I was in the TV room with her , she looked at me..walked over to the coffee table and started trying to chew on the leg..lol. She had not done that for MONTHS. For the most part she’s a good girl.Unless she can get a piece of paper..she still shreds it like confetti and tosses it around ..OR If she can get the stuffing out of a toy..she’s in heaven! Lucky for me she has no interest in eating the paper or stuffing. She just likes to toss it and roll in it..lol. BUT..for the most part she’s doing much better. She’s house trained ..goes to bed when we tell her ..is good on the leash BUT..once in a while….UGH!! lol
@kanelee5 Oh goodness this is so validating! I have a 4 month old portuguese water dog and boy is he a lot to handle right now! Love him with all my heart and then some but I’m nervous the landshark/attention barking/sassy phase will never end😅
@zaraki Right! I'm at the 4 month stage with our Pom Russell Terrorist he's like the cutest puppy but also a total asshole, especially when he's tired. He gets on the couch with our two senior girls and acts like a drunk guy in a mosh pit I just keep telling them he's only a puppy. I'm pretty sure they're planning a mutiny 😳😳
@zaraki Oh yeah my girl was sassy before too! I also enrolled her in private training sessions, so that’s been helping me bond with her and also teach her better manners. I like it better than the group classes!
@halloffreedom I have a German Shepherd mix I got at 8 weeks. She’s 13 weeks now, it’s been hell but things have gotten a lot better. Try enforcing naps. That’s been my biggest success with her behavior and potty training.
@halloffreedom GSD are super high energy and love to bite. Mine won’t even nap unless I make her. If she’s not sleeping, she’s chewing. 24/7 supervision too. It’s awful but she’s so smart that training has been easy. When my pup is naughty, we redirect and anytime she’s doing something good, we reward her. I work overnights too so I’m only sleeping maybe 4 hours a day with my pup
@danielle9182 YES the biting🙃also 24/7 supervision but I'm a full time doctoral student and my partner works with my dad and they usually pull 12 hour days so my handicapped mom is in charge of the puppy most of the time (this was my dad's idea, not a good one, that's why he didn't tell anyone and just brought it home one night)