I wanted to thank the community here for making me realize a German Shepherd is not right for me at this time

Here’s my original post.
So I was looking into getting one and basically met the perfect dog. To make a long story short I have autism and still live with my parents. I kind of romanticized the idea of getting a German Shepherd to fix all my problems. Like depression, exercise etc.

So I found a wonderful dog. A dog that was beautiful, all the family wanted him and he was extremely friendly. No temperament issues whatsoever. However after some serious soul searching I realized I think I’d be doing the dog a great disservice if I wasn’t able to meet it’s needs. I looked at all the questions you guys asked in the original post and admitted to myself that I was getting caught up “in the hype” and excitement of the idea of having the dog.

So today I called the lady and told her I couldn’t take the dog. She was extremely sweet about it and let me tell the entire story to her. And she appreciated my honesty so much. She thinks I’m the right person for the dog but I still had to say I’m just not ready. She says if the dog is never sold the door is still open down the line or if she has another dog to sell.

Meanwhile I’m going to focus on bettering myself and being confident that I’ll have no issues if I ever venture down the path again(if I make a judgment that the breed is right for me).

I’ve been crying all day. It still hurts but time will heal me. I felt like the risk of having a potentially unhappy dog was selfish. Sure it might work. But if not....

I just felt like putting this here because I really appreciated the honesty from the community. I may have made a really bad choice if you had not given me serious things to consider.

So a big thank you to @eliyahu777 @brixken7 @dfomin