I just wanted to say i love my dog more than the world

@scarletrozes I feel the same way.

I work late. When he is sleepy, doggo will ask me to pick him up. I do. His Highness sleeps on my shoulder as I study. Best feeling in the world. And the way he looks at me! He is my child, is the way I feel!
@mason1 Mine died 5 weeks ago. I cry almost every day still. I loved him more than anything I have ever loved. I feel you and I too hope I meet my buddy again some day. I donā€™t even care if itā€™s soonā€¦Iā€™m okay with dying now in the hopes Iā€™d be with him again. I know thatā€™s probably not cool to say but itā€™s how I feel right now.
@mason1 Same here...to cancer (4 weeks ago, he was almost 16 yrs old). The pain is worse than losing a human. It's always too soon. Forget people, we need to focus longevity research on doggos.

I'm only a week ahead of you, but it slowly gets easier. Not better, but easier. Hope you can process it all and focus on all the good years and the best days. RIP to your friend.
@mason1 I'm so sorry to hear about the recent lose of your fur baby! It's been almost a year for me losing my boy and I still am looking forward to his kisses and wiggly butt when I get home. I couldn't believe the excruciating grief I felt when I had to put him down, pretty close to the same grief I've felt after losing human family members. I thought I was gonna die, but didn't. I went ahead and got another puppy, probably too soon, against everyone's advice. But I just couldn't bare coming home to an empty house without the spitter patter of his little paws and I'm So glad your home excitement. There will never be a dog as awesome as my Barkley, but me and the my pup are starting a new chapter in our lives and learning each other's personalities and starting new adventures. He is nothing like my Barkley at all and I had to catch myself at one point, comparing was no fair to my new puppy Rocket. But, I'm sure as we go along life's new path together, I will learn to love him just as much! I believe in the Rainbow Bridge and one Happy day we will be reunited! Take care of yourself during this difficult time!

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