I want to get a dog while living in a department


New member
i have lived all my life with med to big size dogs, so from the get go the only small dog i would take is a shiba inu, however i wanna know ur experiece with having dogs in department, what should i be looking after? how safe is to leave a dog alone? should i get a dog even tho i live in a department alone? the dog will have be taken for a walk dayly, at least 30min from mon to frid and sat n sunday btw 1 n 2hs or even more, and ofc it will have it own space n all the things a dog needs.
@lamplighter1164 Living in an apartment isn't a problem for most breeds. That would only automatically exclude dogs such as livestock guardian breeds that need room to roam and extremely vocal dogs.

If you want breed recommendations fill out the breed questionnaire. Here's a lot of things to consider such as energy level, how long they'll be left alone, shedding, grooming, drooling, and what personality you want.

If you want a low energy, chill companion and work full time away from home I'd encourage you to check out adult dogs in shelters and finding one that fits your criteria and lifestyle.
@lamplighter1164 I have an apartment dog (miniature poodle). In my opinion, the hardest part is going to be potty training if you're getting a puppy since going up and down the stairs is a pain that people with yards don't have to deal with.

Also, if your apartment isn't very soundproof, be careful about getting a dog breed that's very talkative if you don't have understanding neighbours.

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