I want a dog


New member
I live in Scotland,I have wanted a dog as a companion and friend for years,I suffer from depression and anxiety since I was a child(am 43 now) and still find life difficult both me and my partner work full time and live in a flat (appartment for the U.S. readers). We have no children and no way to let the dog out during the day.we can't afford dog sitting and have no relieves that can help,I have felt isolated from the worl all my life and have only found solice in animals we have to cats that come into the flat for play and food and to spend the night sometimes but are not our cats they belong to the local community every one loves jack and Charlie but I want a dog of my owne.
So to the question is there any way of having a dog reasonably,I have to work and can't let them out during the day but would happily go out with them all night if it meant the dog had a happy life but from what I've read the max a dog can wait to go to the toilet is 4 hours and that just not possible for me should I just give up hope and wait till I'm retired 🙏
@olufunmilola This is a difficult situation. I know and understand how much joy a dog can bring into someone's life. But I also think you need to consider the quality of life the dog would have; I've read once here 'your dog only gets to live the life you give them'.

To me it seems being alone in an apartment all day, 5 days a week is a miserable life for a dog. That said I also know some dogs, whether by temperament or because they're older, could appreciate a 'couch potato' lifestyle if they get some good walks / playtime before AND after work. But then it would mean searching a dog that could enjoy living like this, rather than adopting just any dog and trying to make them fit into your lifestyle.

However I worry when you mention you cannot afford dog sitting / doggy daycare; the day your dog inevitably needs urgent care / unexpected surgery / extensive health checks, can you afford that ? Dogs healthcare can get very expensive and it's crucial to be able to pay for it if need be.
Yes I could afford such things as vets and emergency care,we are quite frugal when it comes to money when I say we can't afford doggy day care we are just unwilling to pay the exorbitant amounts of money the local doggy day charges.to me it's a privilege to share in the life of another animal so why am I going to pay for some stranger to enjoy my dog. £17 hour is ridiculously expensive,I work as an engineer and I don't get that an hour why should I pay you that sort of money to enjoy my dog I'd be as well just paying people to pick up there dogs shit.
I do want a dog but I'm unwilling to to let some fucking wanker exploit my needs to make a living.
I would rather not have a dog and hope they all get a good home 👍
@olufunmilola £17 an hour needs to cover business costs (insurance, fuel to get to you etc) they don’t make £17 an hour and if it’s a doggy daycare then there is rent and utilities to pay for as well. You’re paying for someone to competently look after your dog which is a service not a privilege.
@olufunmilola I think you've answered your own question here. You probably shouldn't get a dog it would be pretty selfish, perhaps see if you can dog sit for a friend or walk their dog.
@cmack Yes I know that I was clinging to the hope that someone knew of a certain breed that would fit my life style but I'll just have to wait untill I can change them,
@olufunmilola I don't disagree with people having dogs in flats but leaving them alone for such a long time is what's difficult, hopefully one day soon your circumstances will change and you can get one 😊