I think my dog is pregnant and I don't know what to do. Plan B?


New member
I have a female dog, she is fairly small so she has her cycles maybe once or twice a year. We've been having to keep an eye on her when she is outside due to male dogs. Well someone let the male dog out with her and her private area is puffed out much more than normal.

Is there a plan B for dogs? I know i can get her spayed after her cycle but we want her to have puppies in a few years. I cannot afford to take care of the puppies and can probably barely afford the vet, I really am just looking for help or advice. The male dog is almost twice the size or bigger than my female, and I fear it may be unsafe for her to have these puppies.
@whydontwe I’m assuming bc of severe overpopulation & over crowded shelters of dogs needing homes. Long term health wise, a spay is recommended.
@bacsb0 if she has puppies i will take care of them until i find them homes, wouldnt send them to the shelter, ill have to talk it over with my gf
@whydontwe Is your dog a show dog? Is it a competition dog? What credentials does your dog have? How many genetic and health testing have you done on the dog? What dog and what credentials would the sire have?

If you don’t have all of this, you would be nothing but a backyard breeder, ie, DON’T BREED YOUR DOG. lord. People that do it like you are one of the major problems in this country.

I recently got a puppy/ his sire and dam are the UKC #1 and #8 in their breed in the country. They have won sooooo many competitions in multiple categories. They have a ton of genetic and health testing done on both. The pregnancy was planned, travel was needed to breed (one in TX, one in WV). They co-owned the puppies/ mom and babies had a ton of vet visits. They started all their training, crate trained, sit, stay, down, leash, etc. All puppies are UKC/AKC registered. Contracts are signed to where they will always take him back if we can’t have him for some reason. Etc. THIS is how a real breeder does it. They don’t just breed a pet dog because they want to.

Please get your dog spayed.
@goat Ethical breeding is absolutely fine, in no way does it ever add to the shelter issues in this country. (And again, I mean true ethical breeding). There are a lot of reasons people want certain breeds.

People like OP are why we have millions of dogs in shelters in our country, not ethical breeders.
@goat No I’m not. All of my previous animals were from the shelter, including my elderly and late dog.

But my three young dogs are purebred, a type of breed I’m absolutely in love with. Their type fits with our home, our lifestyle, the type of training I like, etc. I don’t want a pit mix, I don’t want a border collie mix, etc- they wouldn’t be a good fit for me. Dog breeds are VASTLY different in terms of what they need, and it’s absolutely ok to want a certain type…….as long as you go through an ethical breeder
@tropicalbaby If the puppies have a home I don't see an issue with it, having puppies one time only. Its not like I will sell them, If someone I know wants one and I know they can care for it I would let them have one.

I understand where you are coming from but just because a dog isn't a show dog doesn't mean it cant live a full life of having babies and being a mother. Its like saying she's not good enough to breed. Are dogs not allowed to breed when they want to? I wouldn't force it but would definitely supervise. Mammals naturally mate.
@whydontwe There are millions of puppies in the freaking shelter…….why in the world would you add to the problem? You just want to give free puppies away to random people for shits and giggles? You have no concept of your dog would make good breeding stock, or if the pups would be healthy. You don’t just breed cute dogs to cute dogs. Your dog isn’t pining away to be a mother. People like you infuriate me.

No, if a dog is not credentialed, top of the line, with genetic health testing done, it has no business being bred. Why is this a hard concept? I have three purebreds- none of them will be bred.

If the only people who were allowed to breed dogs were like my breeder, wr wouldn’t have millions of dogs being killed every year. Shame on you. Seriously, SHAME on you. I absolutely support ethical breeding, but people like you are the opposite of ethical breeding.
@tropicalbaby So as I said, I would only give them away for free to family or friends I trust and that want one, Not give away for shits and giggles. If I cant find a home I will keep them, and as I said not send them to the shelter. I also never said that I wanted to breed them to be cute or anything like that. Instead of putting words into my mouth it would be great if I can get any advice for my question. There are pills I can take her to the vet to get, that's what I want to know about. Or how long after she got inseminated should I pregnancy test her. Would be great to have some actual advice for what's going on right now. Even if I get her spayed I cant do it for a few more weeks, have to wait until her cycle is over.
@whydontwe You have the option of a spay abortion. There is no abortion pill for dogs.

And - yes, it would be for shits and giggles. There is no point to you breeding her, you add nothing to the breed itself, you aren’t preserving anything, just adding to the problem. If your friends and family want free puppies, they should go to the shelter.
@tropicalbaby Idk if you mentioned this too but ethical breeders also make you sign a contract that states you can not breed a dog you buy from them. You are to have your dog fixed before sexual maturity or whatever the breed requires.
@tropicalbaby again, i would keep them if that happens, and there are pills that can be used for it, one is a 5 day plan but you need to get it asap, another is halfway through the pregnancy
@whydontwe This is just a thought but if you are having trouble affording vet care for one dog, how will you afford it for a litter of puppies if you can’t find homes for all of them?

Your food, treat, and toy costs would go up substantially as well so there would also be many other new expenses at the same time. Vet bills as the puppies get their vaccinations, microchips, their own spay/neuter surgeries, etc. really add up!

It seems like it would be worth doing more research and analysis about breeding at home (like the downsides, the impacts on/risks to the mom, and the costs associated) before letting her continue to have interactions when she might get pregnant.
@whydontwe The way you're currently able to care for your dog? You're a prime example of why you actually shouldn't give dogs away for free - so they don't go to people who can't afford necessities like the vet.
@shan73 I've had multiple things happen in my life recently that has caused me to have some trouble with money, im saying at this current time i cant take her in just to be looked at, they charge 200 just for a visit. thats why im trying to find what i should do before i go in and so i can not be charged as much