I Think i adopted a Abused or24/7 caged Dog, Advice in helping her Socalize?


New member
i adopted a verry sweet 4 Year old Siberian Husky earlier today she was... to say the least verry timid in the car ride to Petsmart & Home almost as if she was \Scared** to be in the car. she was open to being petted by strangers while we had her with us at Petsmart, and showed some signs of previous training or atleast Attempts. (employee had done a hand-sign for Sit and she did it right away)

now that my roomate and i have her home, she's afraid to stay in the livingroom, feels spooked to be on a bed or couch with me or my roomate, we dont know what could be wrong or how to help her "Heal". the Adoption clinic only could tell us she was a stray. so we have no previous owner history.

*Mid post Edit* We just noticed the side of her neck is slightly swollen and she's missing a fair bit of her teeth. we're both at a loss how we can help her, we DONT want to haveto take her back neither,

~~ Edit 1: to @xjasonsteelex & @arealshirt ty for the advice we did take her with to get dinner just because atm alot of cables she could get tangled around on from our computer desks that we didnt want to leave her to potentially getting caught up in and/or hurt herself, she Immedaly has changed about the car shes chilling now in the car not spooked like at first, shes starting to open a little allready, we're thinking that Sal your right that its the new home jitters.

We're going to call the center in the morning *regardless* as we still after putting past the fact or "New Home Jitters" theres signs of previous owner abuse, we Haveto report it so that can be made aware as well we'll be making calls to local vets to have her looked at about the neck n teeth. hopefully w/ the neck its some mild irritation from something minor, and teeth is more she's a late bloomer w/ Puppy teeth.

As for any Safe spaces, She has strangely made the kitchen where our HUUGE window AC that we leave on at night as her "Safe space", shes starting to on her own come upto me and our roomate's rooms on her own. ~~

Edit 2: We have her a Small problem, shes Really avoiding actual food and is only eating treats/scraps? she tried a Milk-bone and we heard a \Whimper** like that hurt her ;-;. We dont want to take her back but we.. we cant afford to see her like this as we're afraid shes mentally Shut down to the point shes actively avoiding food outside scraps, and it cant be good for her to eat ONLY scraps. We're trying but its hurting to see her starving herself like this. If we haveto do this, then ty for those that responded ;-;
@2012user Look up the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months timeline for adopting adult dogs.
It will help you guide your training.
Give her a safe space and leave her be for 3 days, doing absolutely nothing exciting. Be as boring and as normal as possible. Take her out to use the restroom, feed her, and then put her back in her safe space. No lovings. No couch invites. Nothing. While we see that as being kind, they feel that as a kind kf pressure. Right now, no pressure. An x pen with a crate would be great as it allows her to venture out of her crate to explore but also has the feeling of being separated from you, whom she does not know or trust yet.

If you believe her to be a flight risk, look into martingale collars. They will prevent her from slipping her collar.

Get a call into your vet and get her checked out for her neck. You can also call Petsmart and ask if they noticed the swollen area and what their vet said about it if they did.

Good luck and be patient.
@arealshirt Good advice. You aren’t really going to see her real personality for several weeks. Everything she knows has just changed and she is going to be wary of putting herself out there. The overall theme right now is to be calm and positive and let her come to you when she is ready.
@2012user Check out 3 3 3 rule for adoption. This dog has gone they massive traumatic experiences, first a stray, them some intermediatary home/kennel, then to a shop being touched by lots of pp, now a new house, new people. It's freaked right out.

You need to take it very slowly as the dog are seeing now is probably not its true personality. If you are not up for typical husky energy and exercise needs do consider returning the dog, as that will probably come out in time. It's prob quite shut down right now. Keep circle v small just you 2 who live there. Give dog time to decompress. If possible walk the dog, and stick to good potty routine. Right now building your bond w the dog, giving it time to get to know you and start to trust you, this is needed before you can socialise further.

Re neck /teeth, this warrants a vet visist asap if petsmart /rescue cannot provide paperwork for full vet check (usually first thing they should do). Walk dog around outside until you appt rather than sitting in the waiting room. Good luck, this is the real part of rescue, it's just beginning.
a Update on the Poor thing,. she more or less passed the \Three Day** Mark, but just as we had decided to attempt to go with Homecooked dogfood as shes been since day one refusing Kibble/wet food, the roomate's Father who which is sadly in context, our Landlord had Completly 180'd on us and told us flat out as a threat, "Get rid of IT or i will get Rid of YOU" intentionally emphsizeding the "It." trying to demean the poor thing down to as to his eys *Damaged Goods* (which both disgusted us and royally peeved us to no end.

i only make 800 USD a month on SSI (and im job hunting too) and so is he (Roomate Jobhunting wise) i'm more or less super spent as i had blown thru my saving sin everything associated from moving from Michigan to NC, i had NO $$ at all to drop on a apartment. Given her Medical issues we saw proping up (the signs of abuse making her unwilling to eat normal dog food, the swelling on the neck and finding lastnight a knot in her chest, open sores on her joints) , we came to the conclusion it was for her good to try n find a Forever home that could give her the medical care that we cant (it'd bankrupt us and thensome w/ just going to a Vet and having her premolars replaced via implants, never mind other bills that we didnt forsee till last min, including what looked like either a severe coughing fit or an asthma attack.). it hurt SO hard giving her up but in the end we saw it was for the best. Thankyou everyone who gave us advice on how to help her open up. i'm going to be pretty broken for awhile, so if i dont really reply to any questions for a hot min please excuse me as it felt like i kissed goodbye my old childhood pupper all over again X_X