I started rewarding the first 1-2 barks, then i check on the offender, end with a “thank you, that’s enough”


New member
I feel like they’re responding well to praise and me double-checking their work. They used to carry on, but now make eye contact with me after alerting, and wait for me to check on it, and will leave it. At worst, one of them will grumble in her inside voice.

I’ve been trying to work on finding meaningful compromises that allow their natural instincts to be utilized instead of shutting them down.

This is probably the hardest one
@pixeloriousspriteson We’re in a single family, so thankfully the upstairs neighbor doesn't exist.

But there was a big debate today in the house if the brown things were dogs (bad) or deer (neutral). It was a deer, so we could all calm down.

The only times they get a NO. Is when they go crazy over dogs while in the car or watching the front window. They can get too intense and can redirect to each other, so that gets nipped in the bud.
@shotaro Same. It’s awful. I hate it so much. And it’s stupid because they love each other so much but they need to be left alone in the car sometimes and sometimes there’s dogs. It’s the most stressful thing
@mauricio512 Yup I totally understand. Mine love each other to bits and then if the wrong trigger comes at the wrong time they are at risk of eating one another. I have to leave a babygate between them when I leave the house and have them in separate parts of the car just in case something goes by and I am not there to manage them.

Bloody dogs! 😅

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