I just wanted to say i love my dog more than the world

@scarletrozes I loved my dog more than the entire world too. Basking in her light was worth every moment of grief and I'd do it all over again over and over every time the universe restarts.
@chefjosh After my last two passed, I didn't want another dog. My husband and kids wanted one, so we got a puppy.

I would die for that dog. His nickname is Minion because he follows me around all day.
@sammylove My dog follows me around all day too, I literally trip over her. She even watches me pee. I thought she was being protective of me but I saw on instagram (not sure how true it is) that dogs that do that basically think you are stupid and that you can’t survive without them 😂
@innakissie That’s a very disrespectful thing to say. No one is replacing their dogs by getting a new one. Every dog is different. Like the person you responded to, you find room in your heart to love more than one.
@hammersmyth You can believe it's disrespectful if you choose. It's my take on things.

I personally feel that it's a replacement. My dog that passed away was a one and only Best Dog, I have no desire for another.

Also preferring the cat life these days.
@innakissie The disrespectful part is projecting your feelings onto others’ actions. They do not see it as replacement, and it is harmful that you tell them it is a replacement. That’s the worst thing you could say to people I know that have grieved their loss and opened up to new companions, still grieving from their previous loss.
@hammersmyth Ok? It's true though. Many people even get the same breed/colour of dog. It's definitely a replacement. Some people feel a desperate need to own a dog for some reason... I don't. It would be redundant.

I also stated very clearly I... I'm not projecting anything. I don't care what anyone else does.
@scarletrozes I have two girls (a jack russell and a… white dog of unknown make) - 10 and 9. When I met my now fiancé, I told her that the most she could aspire to was the third most important girl in my life. She looked confuddled, and I showed her a picture of my two girls. She just smiled and said “Third will do me just fine”.

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