I have just gotten into the world of grooming and started an online class any tips on how to practice


New member
Hello i have been grooming my own dog for years now along with being the bather for a local shelter for a long while and i decided while searching for a job path involving dogs i decided grooming is a great one. I have sence started an online class that im loving so far and i have applied for a job as a bather at a local shop and couldent be more excited. I have my last supplies i need coming in the mail and was wondering any ways people know of on how to practice. I would hate to try clippers especially on dogs and due to my dog not being crazy fluffy i would have to mess up scissor work on someones dog as well. Once i get more used to using the scissors and clippers i will put an ad out for free services for some dogs boldly stating that this is practice and dont expect them to look proffessional haha. Any tips on things i could practice cutting especially with clippers the school suggested those paint roller covers like these https://images.hdsupplysolutions.co...to,fl_lossy,h_350,q_auto,w_350/926280_K_L.jpg and ill definately try them same with old long hair stuffed animals. Thanks so much for reading.
@chesy165 http://m.ebay.com/itm/Dog-Model-Dog...oming-Practice-for-Dog-Groomers-/172620641597

So the practice dummies are expensive, but well worth it, you'll need the hands on experience. If the online course you are taking doesn't go in depth on canine physiology and bone structure start doing research on that and learn as much as your mind can handle, all of your grooms should compliment/correct the dogs natural structure as much as possible, unless the owners want something ridiculous which is always a thing. Go around to a few grooming shops and see if they need a bather, your grooms will only come out as nice as your baths do, this way you can also see hands on how finished groomers work with the dogs and their equipment and maybe you'll have a grooming position in the works once you are finished with your course.
@davidpat Thanks so much for the info. I would LOVE one of those grooming Maneequins but sadly i just dont have the budget for it at the moment. Lucky me i was able to land a bathing job at a local groomer she has 32 years of experience and i cant wait to learn as much as she will tell me. I originally was going the vet tech route but decided groomer was a bit more fitting i have a good amount of dog experience as of yet thankfully i have volunteered at a shelter for 3 years now and a few months of helping in the shelter vet office. I am learning as much as i can soak up haha i will definately check out those info links thanks for telling me about them. As for hands on experience i have been home grooming our dog for the mostpart as long as we have had him and ive been practicing steady scissoring on the paint rollers (sometimes for fun i have someone hold it and unexpectedly jolt around so i can practice darting the scissors away for following to prevent injury) Thankfully i have ALOT of friends with dogs who are more then happy to let me practice. Thanks again for all the info ill get reading right away.
@chesy165 And to add I would also join the Facebook groups Groomers Uplifting Groomers and the Pro Groomer Network, people are always asking for tips and tricks, asking for critiques/constructive criticism and posting tutorials on different aspects of grooming. Also follow Barkleigh and Groomer TV.

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