I have c*vid and a 4-month-old puppy with diarrhea

@jasperr I freeze one meal of my dogs every day! I put her normal scoop of kibble, and whatever veggie scraps I have leftover from the day, add a bit of water and freeze :) works to keep her busy for a really long time (I usually freeze overnight). The freezer is your best friend!!!
@jasperr I honestly don’t know. I don’t think it’s so damaging for a few days. I would look for a lower sodium brand or even honestly if I felt that badly, ask my local Chinese takeout place to boil chicken and deliver it to me with cooked white rice.
@jasperr I went through this when I got my 8 week old puppy... absolutely not crate or potty trained and I get covid after having him for 3 days. Some people it's mild enough you can still function, I was debilitated 😂 headaches so strong all I could do was lay still and cry, my sinuses were so full I honestly thought my eardrums were going to burst it was so incredibly painful. I suffered severe dizziness and confusion, almost went to the hospital because health link thought I had an infection in my head or something but the paramedics did some tests and concluded that it was most likely not an infection but it was up to me if I wanted to go. I could barely survive laying down, let alone taking care of a screaming, diarrhea strewn puppy. I felt so so bad and agonized but we got through it 🥲
@jasperr I’m so sorry. It sucks. I caught the flu when my pup was 12 weeks. It’s awful. But they do truly force you to get better sooner as you’re constantly getting fresh air. Hang in there
@jasperr I know vets often recommend chicken and rice, but our old pup (passed away at 14 after a battle with other illnesses) had a sensitivity to chicken. Just chicken. Anything with chicken, chicken meal, chicken flavour... it seemed like he'd get diarrhea if chicken had ever been in the same room as his food. This did not apply to any other poultry product - he was totally fine with duck, turkey, eggs, and pheasant.

We used pureed pumpkin with rice. Just some tablespoons of the cans of pureed plain pumpkin with some fresh plain white rice firmed it up pretty quickly. Or, if his poop was just soft, not liquid, a tablespoon or so of pumpkin on top of his regular food (Orijen Six Fish). When he was on antibiotics, we'd give him some plain Greek yogurt along with the pumpkin on his food to help avoid any diarrhea.

Obviously this should be canvassed with your vet, but that's what worked for us and it may be worth a conversation if the panel comes back negative.

We use Nylabones as the primary chew toys for our 3 month old pup. Others here had great suggestions too for chews that aren't food based.

I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a rough go of things right now. I wish both you and your pup the speediest of recoveries. Give your pup a scritch for me!
@twilighttom Yeah, I’m thinking that she might have a chicken sensitivity. I first thought it may have been caused by bully sticks, but I don’t think so, since she hasn’t had any since the start of this. Hopefully I get the results today and it’ll give me something to go off of.

I’ve used pumpkin powder for her with varying results. Maybe puréed pumpkin would work better. She also sometimes gets rice and cottage cheese as that was suggested as an alternative to chicken and she seems ok with that.

We got nylabones too, but she’s not interested in them at all. I’ll have to ask my vet what we can do instead since she’s teething.

Thanks for the well wishes!
@jasperr Without going into much detail, I got extremely sick about 15 days after getting my puppy. It lasted an entire month.
There were days where all I did was lay on the couch and half heartedly throw a ball back and forth for my dog because thats all I could do.
My biggest worry is that this effected my bonding with my puppy.
My advice is to just keep pushing, because you simply have to. But you dont need to go the extra mile right now. Like I said, I worry being sick for that long effected the bonding with my puppy. Try to focus on loving your dog, which hopefully will make you feel even a bit better.
Good luck to you, and remember that you will see the other side.
@jasperr Our pup has frequent diarrhea and vet always prescribes Metronidazole. It’s a life saver. Taking care of a 4 month pup when you’re sick is hard as is, I can’t imagine when they’re not feeling well too. I’m sorry ❤️

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