I feel bad putting dogs up that frustrate me

@kate22 I get hooligans like yhis all the time at my shop. I have some health issues that cause me to take breaks if my heart rate gets too fast. The last thing anyone needs is for me to pass out with a dog on the table or in the tub. You have to do what it best for you and the dogs. Health and safety for everyone above all else. If they owners have issues with that golden rule, it's their perspective that's off. Never feel bad for taking the time that's needed to do the work safely. It also helps to find little things you can do to help calm yourself during work. I chew lots of sugar-free gum while working. Helps me relieve the extra energy.
@kate22 I've been there! Make sure you add electrolytes to your water. You don't need to flush your system on top of everything else. If you are really worried about passing out, get a fit bit or something to help alert you to higher heart rates. You've got enough to worry about with this job. Whatever you can do to make it better for yourself makes it better for the dogs too.
@kate22 Oh man I just had a horrendous experience with a doodle and had to send him home half finished because he kept getting more and more aggressive as I tried to do his paws. Turns out the owner knew one of his nails was broken but still half attached and I couldnt get to it because of all the mats. They’re coming back in two weeks for me to finish and I am dreading it!
@sydneysteve I wish I could but I’m just starting out. I can use any customer that can help me pay the bills! And also, I want to finish him for myself, to prove to myself I can do this. But in a few months I definitely hope I can heef your advice and refuse aggressive dogs, thank you!
@caldwelobert I get where you're coming from. But if a dog gets a hold of you, you can be out of work for weeks or months, and there's a possibility of losing your career altogether. Ask yourself, Is taking an aggressive dog worth the money? If it is, charge a hefty behavioral fee and make it worth your time.
@sydneysteve For me personally, the salon I work at is where those “difficult” dogs do. Can be anywhere from health issues to behavioral issues. Because we have the time and charge our worth.
@caldwelobert Just like the last commenter. If you take theses types of dogs CHARGE YOUR WORTH. I used to be corporate and I had the mindset of I’m still getting paid so… BUT now where I work I can actually charge for my work and it’s made a huge difference for me.
@kate22 Dogs can pick up on our energy and tone. If you are upset and frustrated with a dog they are going to act worse. Giving them and yourself a break from each other is the best practice.