I’m losing my patience and I feel awful for it. I’m new to this and I’m lost. Please help


New member
My 7mo old mini dachshund is exhausting me with the reactivity. It’s especially bad in front of our apartment. It’s E V E R Y T H I N G!!!!! All the leaves have fallen and it’s windy, he’s so distracted running after leaves that he won’t go potty. Out in public is a little better but around home it’s awful. He throws himself forward and goes up on hind legs front legs up in the air like he’s going to fly away. It can be anything too, plastic bags are the archenemies, a piece of siding that’s fallen off, the snow shovel leaning against the building, a pop can randomly on the lawn. The worst is when this dog next door is out (really tho it’s when he sees anyone/thing is around the apartment). These people let their dog out the back door because it’s a house with a fenced in yard and the edge comes right up to my not fenced in yard. So this dog comes out and barks like f#+!king crazy at my dog NON STOP even as the owner eventually comes out to holler at it it keeps going and I have to pick my dog up as he’s in lose it mode trying to struggle out of my arms

I’m trying really hard to remind myself that he’s still new here (as in on this plant lol) a lot of things are firsts for him and he’s trying to figure out the world and I’d be going crazy all the time too if Everything was so much bigger than me and constantly surprising me. Ive never owned a dog before and I’m doing the best I can but I’m feeling defeated. I’m a child therapist so I’m well versed in principles of behavior modification but I can’t even get him to a point where I could mark and reward because it’s so nonstop especially with this other dog
@fritzc I feel for you! I would firstly communicate with the neighbors and explain that you have a nervous dog and maybe try to sort something out? But then just pick a trigger and start chipping away at them. Maybe work on counterconditioning with plastic bags inside the apartment so when he sees him outside it’s less scary? And then honestly general training helps your communication and trust so don’t just work on the reactivity. Also if it’s that bad talk to his vet! Or find a vet behaviorist
@fritzc A few questions - have you had him since he was a puppy? Does he have specific triggers? Is he leash reactive? Does he always pull or just when he sees a trigger? Have you started any training?

A good general start is engage/disengage (if you haven’t already) if you just got him then I’d give him some time to settle. High value treats, if you’ve just started, is a must to get his attention. Clicker training, focus or look at me commands are great foundations for managing reactivity. I’d also throw in leave it and let’s go. Loose leash walking would be a serious reliever for any pulling he does (it all depends!) but generally maybe tiring him out a little like a brisk first half of the walk - in my experience a slightly tired and hungry dog is more likely to listen.
@lmccloud I have had him since 8 weeks old

As far as specific triggers... hmm... anything new around the apartment (my neighbor had a package left next to his door, a piece of siding that fell off the building next to us), any other dog or person he doesn’t recognize which is most, and the dogs next door

Yes to leash reactive. I can’t let him out unleashed at my place cuz I don’t have a fence. At my bf’s parents house who have a fenced in yard when he runs free if other dogs are out and at the same fence he runs up and acts the same

He pulls 80% of the time out of both excitement and triggers (I have a harness ordered with a D rings on the chest to attach the leash to. He does significantly better when I can get him clipped in the front)

We were doing puppy socialization classes and we were going to start him in training classes but financially I had to rearrange funds and that got put aside, I haven’t been able to recover yet to make that a priority again. I’ve done some stuff at home but hes been stubborn

Do you have any good YouTube video recommendations for the engage/disengage and look at me?
@fritzc You mentioned a front-clip harness, but have you changed your training methods on your walk at all - how you communicate with him etc - or did you just expect the harness change to fix the entire behavior?

Puppies are like babies. If you feed a baby every day but don’t teach it or play learning games with it, it will not develop good behaviors. It can’t “raise itself.” Dogs are not like spiders who are born knowing how to spin webs. Dogs are like people who must be shown how to do things.

Kikopup is a positive trainer with a big channel:

What To Do FIRST: Get Started With Leash Training:
@raymondrieger 😣 thank you for the feedback and perspective. I really am trying. I’m out of my depth and want to do the best I can within my means. 😔 I’ll watch these videos tonight. Again, I appreciate your input.