I’m having a big puppy blues part 2. Share your story to give me hope


New member
I type this, sitting on the floor of my bathroom while she is taking a forced nap.

I need to know your story from the puppy blues to the happy life with your dog. If you have the puppy blues right now I want you to share your story aswell… so we can be together in this.

This is mine : almost 3 months ago I adopt my first dog. Since I’m a child for my birthday I ask a dog so you must know that having a dog was my dream. And this dream is a nightmare.

4 months ago I lose the love of my Maki.. she was the light of my heart … my entire life. She was a cat and she died of cancer … she was 6 years old. I still cry her almost everyday. She was literally an angel.

1 month after I saw this cute Pomeranian.. been 11 years I wanted a Pomeranian. So I go visit the breeder everything was good there and she put me this baby Pom in my arms, everyone fall in love with her, there where no doubt she was my baby.

Some day pass and I finally bring her home. She was so cute adorable little ball of fluff. And the day pass and she became more comfortable with us she started to play play play and play. She started to "bite"… never to blood it’s more like nipping. The first time we put her in the crate alone she did this big tantrum… I was sick of her and I knew it was the puppy blues. Time pass, we hired a dog trainer and she change my life.
1 months after the training she mellow down, she stopped to bite and I loved her so much. I wanted actually write here that the puppy blues get better !

And then … she turn 5 months old and everything start again. I know she is a teenager so stubborn with zero attention. And a freaking baby shark AGAIN. Everything that we work with her and that stop start again : follow me everywhere in a play bow and jump on my pant, the attention bark, the nipping when I pet her… every fucking thing.

I’m so exhausted and scared of her that will never be a good dog. I just wanted a cute puppy to cuddle with and I feel like I’m being with a feral dog. I train her everyday. I walk her several time a day. We do puzzle. We do enrichment. We do playing session. She have play date. She have chew time session with high quality chew. I give all my life for this dog and I’m so sad and scared that she is just a wreck.

I will be patient and I guess she will be a good dog and I hope to pet her one day for more that 5 minutes.

I hope one day she will stop biting me. At least I know she still have baby tooth … so maybe it’s still the teething process and once she will have her adult teeth’s she will stop the biting.

I hope one day she just gonna lay down and chill.

I hope one day she gonna sleep by herself.

I hope one day I’m gonna love her and she will be my baby.
@christopher627 I had 2 rounds of puppy blues as well and had/have the same fears as you do. When I first got her and again around 6-8 months was tough. I will say they totally went away around 10 months. She can still drive me insane sometimes but I don’t feel anywhere near as sad and hopeless as I used to. I never thought I’d get here but I love my puppy so much now. She just turned 1 and can still be bratty but she really is my best friend now.

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