Hydrolyzed Protein Diet Recommendations


New member
I have a 2.5 year old Australian Labradoodle that needs to be on a hydrolyzed protein diet. We tried Royal Canin’s Ultamino, however it is not something I can continue to feed him due to the debilitating sensory issues I experience with the food. I feel like a terrible dog Mom and I attempted to make it work (even bought two bags in hopes it was just a bad batch), but I have to carry the food around with me because he is my service dog and it is making it difficult to function.

My question is, do all hydrolyzed protein kibbles smell like a wet dog rolled around in soy sauce mixed with expired milk & stale Fritos? If not, which kibble & flavor did you find work for you & your dog? I have never had any issues with any wet or dry dog (or cat food) before and my dog will eat literally anything so I am hoping this is just a RC Ultamino thing.

The vet recommended RC Selected Proteins, Royal Canin HP, Hill’s D/D & Purina HA as other options.

If you got this far, thank you in advanced for your help. I am so overwhelmed.
@william25 This description of the smell made me laugh a little. You’re not wrong, and I too would have trouble toting RC hydrolyzed around all day. I know it’s to make it palate-able for dogs but it’s not particularly pleasant.

IME hills z/d is a lot less assaulting on the senses. I haven’t tried d/d but I bet it’s similar.