How to tell my mom that our GSD is overweight?


New member
Hi I’m a 20yr old living with my mom and dad. We got a GSD, Freya around 2019 and it’s been a rough few weeks, mostly because me and my dad have noticed significant behavioral and physical changes ever since she turned 3 (she’s 4 now).

Mom has been feeding her this frozen meat cube diet that’s (supposed to be) healthier and more organic for the dog, and I’ve noticed that she serves way more than you should since I looked at the packaging of the food and it says that for a dog that should 30~40 kg you should only serve 2hg of that and she’s serving 4…

I’m worried because when I tried to tell her about her overfeeding Freya she just exploded in a defensive rage and indirectly told me that I was a “bad” dog owner and a “bad” son for shaming our dog for being “a little round” and I’m like really? I’m being bad to Freya when I’m doing my best with everything else surrounding
her. For the record l; I’ve been in charge of training her and doing my best with her current reactivity and fear of most dogs and I’ve also been doing my best with taking her to IPO/IGP training in our area since she’s WL and is high prey drive etc
My mom won’t listen to me or dad AND she refuses to go visit acertified vet for checkups.

Please what can I do? I’m all ears. I’ll take info from vets or anyone knowledgeable thanks.

For those of you unfamiliar with hg, it’s basically a tenth of a kg so 1000/10.
@desperatewife Point her at some information websites about how much dogs should weigh and what an overweight dog looks like. Find a list of what being overweight can do to a dog's health.

I'm confused why she wouldn't take her dog to a vet for regular checkups especially with the behavioural changes you've noticed. How would your mother react if you just took the dog to the vet on your own accord and show her the printed results of what the vet noticed?