How to stop dog from digging?


New member
My dog is digging a hole by my fence post in the yard and I need some help stopping her from doing that. I work some weird hours so I try to keep her outside when I’m not home so she isn’t locked up in a kennel for a dog portion of the day. There are two other dogs belonging to my roommate that she plays with, so I didn’t think she’d be bored but maybe I’m wrong. My issue is I don’t like leaving toys out around her as she has shredded up every single toy I’ve given to her. No matter the material (I’ve even tried some of the Kong brand toys that are supposed to be heavy duty) she will shred the toy up and eat it. That’s also why I can’t leave her inside without being in the kennel (that and she has some bladder issues after surviving parvo). If anyone has any recommendations or methods to try I’m open to it! She gets plenty of exercise as she is ALWAYS running around back and forth with the other dogs when I see her. She eats plenty and gets taken on walks occasionally. I just can’t figure out what her deal is
@eugeneii Supervise your dog and redirect the behavior. If the dog's unsupervised there's not much you can do about the behavior directly. Dogs left alone outside often engage in such activities. Filling the hole with rocks or cement may stop it

Try goughnuts brand toys, our pitbull play group hasn't destroyed them yet
@eugeneii Some dogs just love digging. It’s very enriching for a lot of dogs. Personally, I would pick a place in the yard where digging is now allowed, and then create a dig pit there where she is encouraged to dig and where digging will be most enjoyable for her (e.g., maybe some nice soft dirt and buried toys for her to find).

You’re not there to stop her, so your best option is to create a place where it won’t be problematic for you. You don’t want her in the flowers or digging under fences; a dig pit is a way to direct her behavior.

Personally, the first thing I’m going to do when I finally (hopefully, maybe, someday) get a house is build a dig pit for my dog. She loves digging.
@thudomi1582 Ayy you bring up a good point about enrichment. Maybe she's not getting enough smell time/ mental stimulation.

Sniffing helps dogs to wear out even if they're active as hell. To me it's not really walking the dog properly if doggo isn't getting hefty sniffs in
@thudomi1582 Yes! Our Kelpie went through a period if fascination with digging. A few strolls on the beach helped teach her it was an exercise in futility. She later would occasionally attempt to dig in the yard, quickly ended with a sharp word.
@eugeneii what is her breed? How long is she being left alone all day? Some breeds like terriers dig more than others, but digging is usually a sign of not enough exercise, also boredom, loneliness or anxiety. There is really no way to stop the digging in the yard when you are not present to correct or redirect her, and while has no alternative activity or exercise that dimishes the need to dIg. Being with other dogs is not the same as being with their person for most dogs, and if all her exercise comes from just being let out in in the yard with other dogs and she is left unsupervised there all day, she is almost certainly understimulated , and she will just turn to digging elsewhere if you put rocks or poop or mesh in her holes. Without proper supervision and an alternate source of fun and stimulation in her life, you are very unlikely to break the digging habit. There is an expression “ a tired dog is a good dog’ . Most dogs sleep for many hours, often the majority of the day after a good walk. Try taking her for a good run, bike, hike or swim before you leave the house so she is actually tired . If she likes to fetch, take her somewhere you can throw the ball or frisbee. If she doesnt have a good recall or leash manners for you to easily walk her, you need to take a class, buy a book , watch a video and teach her. Next, if you are leaving her alone 8 hours or more on a daily basis, you need to make some arrangement such that she has something else to do other than dig until you get home. In addition to your morning exercise, Try asking a neighbor or roommate to take her around the block on the leash for a sniff walk, and then put her in her kennel, not the yard. If you want to break her of the habit, she should only be in the yard when you are home to supervise and stop the digging when she tries it.
@eugeneii Interesting, I have a Chesapeake! He is my 3rd, and I know the breed really well. They are not like labs or goldens, they need *a lot* of exercise and a job to do. They are smart , stubborn but highly interactive, driven dogs that get into trouble when understimulated. I am going to double down on the exercise rant. If she has a good run before you leave, being alone for 4 hours without getting into trouble should be a piece of cake. She will probably LOVE swimming if her chessie side is strong - they are all obsessed with water! PM me for more advice or info if you need it. Good luck. ** editing to add, All my chessies really enjoy digging, so I taught them the “dig!” command, which they have all loved, then redirected them to dig in the sand or soft loam when out on a hike to their heart’s content .No issues at all with digging in the yard.
@eugeneii We have always gone out with our dogs in order to catch them digging, and teach them that it’s not allowed. After that we kept going out with them to douse their spots with water. It’s a hassle to go out there, but we have no holes, and we don’t have dead grass spots.
@eugeneii Yeah. We have a 4yo golden. I’ve just given up. I’ve tried EVERYTHING including redirecting, chili powder, rocks in holes, burying poop in holes. Now my yard just looks like a minefield that I fill in periodically when I have company coming so no one breaks a leg. Also, our dog is never outside alone for more than a few minutes.
@eugeneii Get a kids sand pit (or whatever they're called) and burry things in there that would be fun to find! Also, give her things to do in the backyard. It eventually becomes just as boring as any other room in the house

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