How to stop dog from digging?


New member
My dog is digging a hole by my fence post in the yard and I need some help stopping her from doing that. I work some weird hours so I try to keep her outside when I’m not home so she isn’t locked up in a kennel for a dog portion of the day. There are two other dogs belonging to my roommate that she plays with, so I didn’t think she’d be bored but maybe I’m wrong. My issue is I don’t like leaving toys out around her as she has shredded up every single toy I’ve given to her. No matter the material (I’ve even tried some of the Kong brand toys that are supposed to be heavy duty) she will shred the toy up and eat it. That’s also why I can’t leave her inside without being in the kennel (that and she has some bladder issues after surviving parvo). If anyone has any recommendations or methods to try I’m open to it! She gets plenty of exercise as she is ALWAYS running around back and forth with the other dogs when I see her. She eats plenty and gets taken on walks occasionally. I just can’t figure out what her deal is
@eugeneii Supervise your dog and redirect the behavior. If the dog's unsupervised there's not much you can do about the behavior directly. Dogs left alone outside often engage in such activities. Filling the hole with rocks or cement may stop it

Try goughnuts brand toys, our pitbull play group hasn't destroyed them yet
@eugeneii Some dogs just love digging. It’s very enriching for a lot of dogs. Personally, I would pick a place in the yard where digging is now allowed, and then create a dig pit there where she is encouraged to dig and where digging will be most enjoyable for her (e.g., maybe some nice soft dirt and buried toys for her to find).

You’re not there to stop her, so your best option is to create a place where it won’t be problematic for you. You don’t want her in the flowers or digging under fences; a dig pit is a way to direct her behavior.

Personally, the first thing I’m going to do when I finally (hopefully, maybe, someday) get a house is build a dig pit for my dog. She loves digging.