How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?


New member
I already can’t feel my hands with gloves on, so taking my glove off to open a small metal container and get out a treat the moment they’re done peeing/pooping, while they’re trying to tug at the leash, just isn’t going to happen.

Is there any benefit to instead giving them the treat when we get inside? Or is there any better container/dispenser that’s not going to result in giving me frostbite? Like a Pez dispenser type thing?
@yesnice Puppy will forget what you’re rewarding if you wait to go inside.

Can’t you leave the treats in your coat pocket and when you see puppy squatting quickly reach into your pocket and take one out?
@johanlolz I guess I can get some different treats that are harder to make that possible. The training treats I’m using right now are fairly soft and would destroy my coat pocket
@olcote Same here, and I crinkle the bag as I'm pulling out the treat so even if I fumble with the bag for a bit, the reward is still immediate because the association is there. Crinkle crinkle = good boy, you're getting a treat
@yesnice I work at a board andntrain facility and alot of our client dogs have allergies or are very picky etc. I have a treat pouch and fill a poop bag with what ever treat I'm.using and use it as a treat pouch liner so I can swap bags for each dog.
If you don't have a pouch ( maybe get one they are so handy) I'm sure the poop bag liner trick would work in a parka pocket
@yesnice We use jerky type treats for this scenario, specifically chicken jerky as it isn’t greasy.

We call it “pocket chicken”.

We are training our dog to pee on a gravel spot instead of the grass. Urban back yard so she can ruin the entire patch of grass.
@johanlolz I put a small plastic cup full of treats in my pocket for training or out on walks. So much more convenient to use and clean than any treat bag I've tried and means I can use softer/messier treats.
@yesnice I love Fromm Crunchy O’s for situations like this! They are pretty big so you can’t fit a lot in your treat pouch but they are very easy to grab, even with gloves, and give, even with an over enthusiastic treat taker. They are relatively low calorie for their size has they are mostly air. All treats/kibble will have some oils, but these are much better than the soft treats.
@yesnice You can say, “YAY!!! What a good doggie! You’re such a good girl/boy! They know from your tone of voice that you think they’ve done something wonderful. It even comes across when you have to keep your voice down. Do a little dance, whatever. Give them a pat or two, but don’t let them steal your glove, haha. Make sure you do and say the same things inside when you’re training to reinforce the connection between the happy tone of voice or little dance and good times, or a snack.

It’s helpful to use a word that means only peeing and pooping. Maybe your neighbors don’t want to hear you encouraging either activity late at night so the word you use doesn’t have to actually mean anything, it’s just a word that will convey the point to your puppy and is separate from “yay” or “good girl/boy”.

When I met my ex-husband he was a student living in cheap housing in an inner city around lots of other students. So, not wanting to be on the deserted street at midnight and trying to be quiet and not disturb anyone studying, he would encourage her by saying sweetly, “C’mon. Hurry up.” So, in her puppy mind the words “hurry up” meant pee or poop. And it meant that for her 15 years.

When I was on my own raising my own puppy it felt natural to use “hurry up,” with her, too.
It worked. Just use that phrase, no more than two words, ONLY for that activity, so choose the word carefully, haha.

If you want to treat for that behavior, you can wait until you’re inside by keeping up the happy banter as you go inside and get the treat to them as quickly as you can, before you take off your coat, etc. By keeping up the happy sounds until you give the treat it helps the puppy remember that they are getting a treat because they did the right thing outside.
@galinavot Seconding this! I have yet to use mine, but this is what I thought you could try so you can keep your gloves on🥶 another redditor suggested a ‘squeasy snacker’ for me and it’s got a removable top part so you can use something more solid or more liquid! Good luck!