How to deal with irresponsible dog owners


New member
Hi everyone, hopefully this is an okay subreddit to post this to, but I’m at my f*cking wits end with irresponsible dog owners in the apartment complex I live at. There’s a growing number of people who have gotten puppies who do not look after them at all. The dogs are not leashed, not trained, run up to other dogs in the complex, owners are not watching them as they’re walking along a busy road, not picking up the dogs’ poop, the list goes on. One woman literally walked out of the elevator without her puppy (who was not leashed) and didn’t even notice. I’ve been telling people my dog is reactive to deter them (she rarely is reactive but whatever) but they do not take the hint. I don’t know if I’m really asking for advice or just venting, but it’s taking all of my mental energy not to scream at these people.

I also want to add that the issue isn’t with people who have rowdy dogs who are in training/maybe don’t have the best manners, whatever. These people are clearly just being inconsiderate and neglectful.
@pleasantgirl Apartment living was the worst with a dog. Shit everywhere, loose dogs, etc. I had to move to different buildings a few times. I finally was able to rent a house. Then life was good with a dog.

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