How long is too long to leave my dog at home


New member
So I have a 1 1/2 year old Aussie doodle. I currently work at a dog daycare facility and I used to bring him with me. Lately he has been fighting with me about going in. He starts going crazy in the parking lot and when I take him in he starts jumping and biting at me. I know he’s getting overwhelmed there. I’d like to leave him at home but when I leave for work and then come back home, I’ll be gone for 9 1/2 hours. I’m kind of stuck here. I get worried leaving him at home but he gets overwhelmed when I bring him to my work.
@sogjohn Agree.

You say you are also "stuck there" for 9.5 hours. You are entitled to a lunch break, no matter what country/state you live in. Are you able to go home on your lunches to let him out/ bring him home / pick him up?

My dog goes to daycare Tuesday + Thursday mornings only for the same reason. A whole day is too much for him (unless there's some kind of situation with my schedule I don't deviate from this daycare schedule). Half days are perfect for him and it also gives me an excuse to take a lunch break from my busy job.