How long did it take your hypothyroid dog to have symptom improvement?


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Our 8 yr old male Samoyed was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. His score was lower than 0.5 so it didn't even register on his blood test it was so low. How long did it going to take your hypothyroid dog to get back to being more of their self? A regular vet said he should be better within a few days. The neurologist said 1 to 2 weeks for improvement. And then we've had some people say a month. So what is your experience?

He has been extremely lethargic and exhausted, doesn't want to get up unless we force him to physically, moves around very slowly, shows absolutely no interest or excitement in anything he used to. He also was showing some potential neurological signs like confusion and disorientation, walking a bit off balance, staring at walls and corners, and just seeming off overall We had them at the neurologist and he didn't show any physical signs of anything actually neurological happening. Although the neurologist couldn't fully rule out a potential issue with the brain. Although he said his gut is that it's just true hypothyroidism.