How long can I walk my dog in hot weather?


New member
Where we are, temperatures early in the day are 32 C / 90 F and just get hotter. All of the sidewalks are completely shaded but the air is super hot and humid. The pavement is just as hot as the air but not burning. I can touch it. Anyway, I have been doing a long walk in the morning when it is lowest temperature (like 1 hour or so) then a couple short (30 mins) walks later in the day, at sunset and at night.

He loves walking. I don't want to have him just stuck in the apartment all day. On the other hand, he has been fussing over his paws a little lately and I wonder if I've been walking him too much.

When it's not summer, we work more so he doesn't walk as much each day. Maybe it is the distance too?

He is medium size, like 12 kg and medium-short length thick hair. No breed.
@hagiang3396 My rule of thumb is if I can handle the back of my hand touching the sidewalk for more than a few seconds, then paws should be fine. I also tie a cold, soaking wet bandana around my dog’s neck to keep her cool.

As far as paw maintenance goes, you could use booties or socks made for dogs, or you could use paw protection/healing balms (I like the Natural Dog Company).

Walking in the morning and evening is a great way to get walks in without insufferable heat. I think it really depends on your dog, so keeping an eye on his breathing/panting is important. I took my little 17lbs dog on an hour walk in hot, sunny weather once and she overheated, which was very scary. If your dog drinks water while on the go, that could be a good idea too. But if his paws are your main concern, def look into balms!

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