How I've (new owner) spent $4629 on a Puppy in 4 months. Each purchase (or store run) list + rough breakdown at the bottom

@grampa No judgement here. When we got our pup at 3.5 months, my bestie who has 2 grown dogs told me that in the first year, toys will be necessary and you need to keep her from getting bored. She warned me that toy bills for the first year will be close to that. I will say that the destruction the little dutchess has laid forth with them, she was correct. But it has spared many of our items from being destroyed as well.
@grampa I have not added up how much I spend on toys for my dog, but I’m sure it’s an obscene amount that people will be judgy about. I just love buying dog toys! And he’s a heavy chewer, so I can’t trust him with DIY or inexpensive toys, which is what I’ve seen a lot of people talk about. He will literally tear them apart and eat them. A few months ago, he ate one of his plush toys, and I found stuffing, fabric, and mangled plastic from the squeaker in his vomit. So…. toilet rolls, water bottles, and cheap soft toys were fine when he was a young puppy, but out of the question now. So I’m out here buying more expensive, durable toys for him, so that he’ll play with those instead of chewing up our furniture. I’m extremely jealous of the people whose dogs can gently play with their toys.
@vido Let's not shame people for spending what they can afford on their companion. Lots of things are "unnecessary" but if we can afford them and our companion enjoys them, why not buy them?

Puppies and dogs are expensive but not ridiculously so. There are lots of ways of making their care cheaper. If you have the money though, why not treat your companion to some extra toys and food?
@vido I wonder what the total my parents and I have spent on our pup in the 3 months we’ve had her. On that note does anyone else have a puppy they’ve only had for a few months but it feels like an eternity (not necessarily in a bad way lol)?
@vido I’m terrified to add up our list. When I include his dog sitter, daycare and grooming I might be over yours. Our puppy is our child and he’s a spoiled one!
@pieman I will never add up my expenses. Our little prince only eats bones that cost significantly more than a cup of coffee, and I couldn't possible track the number of "indestructible" toys that we've bought only for them to be destroyed within moments. I'm grateful I don't have a human kid to send to college ... or, you know, feed.
@cea Yeah, I’ve been thinking of doing this, but also know it would be a lot 😑 I went through so many medications when I got him, I think my first vet bill alone was $400.

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