How I got my puppy to nap 3-4 hours instead of 1 hour in crate


New member
TLDR: make it cold!

Obviously it will depend on your breed, but we realized puppy (now 3 months old) slept way better at other people's houses in the crate, vs in our condo.

She was 1 hour up, 1 hour down (crate), but occasionally she would sleep 3 hours or more (crate) when we brought her over to the in laws. What we started doing was transfer her crate to the bedroom, open the balcony door, and boom she started getting 1 hour up, 3-4 hours down. It's magical and magnificent.

She's happiest when the temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. We keep a smart thermometer and a security camera to monitor that it isn't getting too hot or too cold.

Summer time is going to be interesting because yes the AC will be on but under 20 degrees Celsius is too cold for me so I might have to look into getting a cooling fan or a cooling pad if she isn't going to destroy it.
@gausej1 We had this issue last night. Our Dog was refusing to settle, even if he was with us.

Our solution? Turned the cold air on and he was perfectly fine. Went right to sleep. It was hilarious how easy it was.

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