How do you deal with the “Don’t worry! He’s friendly!” type of owners?


New member
2 dogs rushed me and my 6 month old pup today.

At 50 yards away, the first dog took off in a full sprint towards us. My dog started barking and got behind me. I stepped in between them before they made contact but the other one just went around me to get to my dog. They sniffed each other politely for a few seconds. Then the second dog ran over and my dog was clearly overwhelmed, trying his best to interact with these dogs that are being overly pushy.

I yelled for the lady to call her dogs away. She called them but only the second dog listened.

Then the first dog started jumping up at my face.. like all 4 paws off the ground, putting his front paws on me type of jumping. So I turn away from him, then he goes back to my dog and is aggressively smelling him and mouthing his scruff. I again told her to call her dog away. She “tried” again and he didn’t listen. This cycle repeats a few times while she meanders her way over.

She’s within 10 feet of me (with the second dog on leash), watches her dog jump at my face AGAIN and still doesn’t do anything. So I tell her to grab the f*cking dog and that he obviously needs to be leashed if he cannot recall reliably and greets strangers like this.

“He’s just trying to play.”

I called animal control and filed a report.
@tosay I hate when people yell "don't worry my dog's friendly". I usually say back "mine isn't" even though as a reactive dog he has come a long way I don't want to put him in the position to fail. I don't like saying that my dog isn't friendly though, he has worked so hard and is a good good boy. He deserves to be left alone in public without me telling people he is a mean dog. So I think the next time someone tells me not to worry their dog is friendly, I'm going to respond "well I'm not". Maybe that will get their attention.
@palayok2011 I’ve told other dog owners that I’m the unfriendly one and let me tell you, it gets them away pretty quick. I look like an ass but I’d rather than than run the risk of a fight breaking out
@tosay Honestly, I feel like people who don't leash their dogs in areas that require leashes are people that probably can't be reasoned with all that much... they clearly don't think rules apply to them. We avoid the local parks because they always seem to have unleashed dogs and oblivious owners. We're usually able to avoid offleash dogs on the street because we either turn around as soon as we see them or we cross the street (and most owners are at least not dumb enough to let their offleash dog cross the street on their own).
@tosay I carry an umbrella and use it as a shield. It’s so excessive but we have TONS of off leash dogs in my area and am not willing to have my dog’s training backslide.
I’ve also hit a clearly aggressive dog with a giant carabiner I keep on the end of my leash. I give warning but at this point I give Zero fucks - training is costing me thousands.

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