How do i get started with a raw diet for a beagle?


New member

I have 1 y/o male beagle that is getting neutered (on Monday) and i want to start feeding him a raw diet that i home cook for him. What are some books or websites that are good for me to read into? I want to do alot of research before i feed him anything i make. He currently eats a mix of wet/dry dog food. 1/3 can bb wilderness wet and 1/3 cup of dry kibble for every meal 2x a day. He currently weighs 43.6 lbs (currently is dieting). I went to the vet recently and she recommends him to lose a couple lbs. (beagles are supposed to weigh 18-30 lbs but for some reason chester is just a bigger beagle than most)I also want to see if this change of diet would be good for him and his weight.

Recommendations will be greatly appreciated! I'll upload a pic of him later, I'm currently on my phone.

(after a 2 hr hike)
(lying down trying to take off the gentle leader)
(not a big fan of gentle leader)

I apologize if these pictures aren't good. I'll take better ones if needed.

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