How do I get my boyfriend’s territorial German Shepherd to like me?


New member
I have been with my boyfriend(we’ll call him J) for almost 5 months now, we are both in our late teens, if that matters. I have a corgi that is pretty friendly to everyone, and he has two dogs, one mixed and the other a pure bred german shepherd. The mixed dog is lovely, but the shepherd is crazy territorial and barks and tries to attack anyone who isn’t family!! I once went in through the side door and the dog was lovely and caring, but ever since then, no matter what door I go through, the dog hates me. Once, I went through the front door and the bit my leg really hard. J’s family is tired of watching the dog whenever I come over, so they want to fix the issue, but nothing is working. We tried having J walk the dog by my house and then I’d walk home with them, but it failed. He came by my house, I brought a treat for the dog, she ate it and seemed content and J told me to try petting her, and then she got really mad and tried to bite me. I really like the dog, she’s adorable, and I’m fine trying to find a solution, it’s just hard as a don’t want to be attacked again. I don’t blame the dog or anyone, I just want to be able to go over to J’s house without annoying his family. Any advice for peoppe who know about similar cases? Thank you in advance :)