How do adults with 8-5s/9-5s get dogs?


New member
I’m genuinely curious. I’ve been thinking about getting a dog, but when I think about getting out of school and starting a job I don’t know if I will be able to be a good owner because I’m gonna majority of the day and I don’t know if I’d be able to take good care of a dog if that’s the case. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to manage owning a dog while also working a regular 9-to-5 job. I have a semester of school where I’ll be in class only during the mornings and then I’ll have the afternoons to be free and maybe work a little bit, but it’s be remote so I’d still stay home with the dog at those times
@vikinglutheran If you do get a puppy save a lot of holidays and plan on using a doggy day care/ dog walkers and/or walk during your lunch break for the first months (2-3 walks during your shift). Either way, even an adult dog should have the opportunity to pee/walk and be entertained after 3-4h. That is my minimum goal. But at the end of the day, prepare to always feel like you do not do enough.
@justified I got my dog during COVID so was home 24/7 for his first few months which helped a lot, then when we went back in the office I hired a dog walker, then after a year I no longer need the dog walker and he does okay being left alone for 8-9 hours. My biggest thing is make sure you take them on a long walk and play with them in the evenings so they can get their energy out!
@caseyanne2 What kind of dog? I have a 27 lb mutt and the most I’ve ever left her without an opportunity to relieve her is 6 hours. I’d love to leave her 9-5 but am wary she’ll get a bladder infection or something.
@justified Adopting a well trained adult dog is a good way to skip that puppy phase where you need to be around 24/7.

Also, being able to afford a dog walker who can come over twice a day to take the dog out, which should be fine if you have good employment.
@justified I use dog walking services/ people or puppy daycare during work days. I also head home for lunch myself if need be. It’s been very stressful to do this on my own with a puppy but she’s now 8 months and doing great. Enforced naps and crate training are amazing. The puppy101 group has many great suggestions.
@justified I was able to bring my puppy I to work with me for the first few months, then I left him at home and a dog walker comes halfway through the day. He seems happy, sleeps while we are gone and is spoiled rotten when we're home.
@justified I utilize daycare if I need her to go somewhere for the full day.

Otherwise we have a dogwalker who comes and takes her on group/pack adventures from 11am-2pm or so. That way she’s only home alone for 2-3 hours before and after.
@justified I took vacation for two weeks to get puppy acclimated, then switched to working from home a few hours, and at the office a few hours per day. Home every lunch to let puppy out and immediately after work.

Puppy is now 5.5 months old, and goes to daycare 2x per week. Still come home at lunch time to let her out of kennel.
@justified I work from home for now, but if that ever changes we plan to get a dog walker and my husband and I will stagger our work days a bit so she's only home for 6 hours or so.

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