How did you off leash train your puppers?


New member
Currently looking into the best way to off leash train my my 5 month old gsd. E-collar or long leash training are the two ways I’m seeing
@passionata I did long leash if I wasn't in a fenced in area. I also did some inside training where I had my pup downstairs and then called them upstairs. Then I started doing recall in an enclosed dog park when it was empty. Once I was assured my pup would come even in a dog park I started testing it with a few dogs in the dog park. But your dog needs to be well socialized to avoid not listening due to reactivity issues.
@passionata I started training within a few days of bringing my dog home. I currently have 2. My golden retriever I could trust off leash in enclosed areas at 6months. Now he is only on a leash for walks. My shepherd I adopted at 9 months and we have mastered coming in the house and working on enclosed areas currently. She has some reactivity issues due to being under socialized that is causing issues. She sees me and will acknowledge me calling her but depending on what's going on is sometimes too scared to run over to me. What has helped me is doing high value treats that they don't normally get while training.
@passionata I started within days of bringing him home. I have a fenced yard so I walked him off leash and called him by name, called his name and "Come", I also whistled and called "Come". I did this a couple times a day minimum until they got it . It's 10 years later and the whistle is the default I am not playing I need you to "Come Now" command. I have two and their recall is really very good.

My brother-in-law was a handler for the Air Force and he suggested walking the puppies leashed along the fence line multiple times to give them a sense of their territory. I have a 4 ft. fence that they could climb/jump easily but they don't. And when I open the gate one of mine will sit and wait for me to call him, the other will walk out but not run like my neighbor's Husky.

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