How did you know your dog was sick?


New member
I have an older dog (guesstimate age is 10) who is my heart and soul. We just had our first baby, and my husband was deployed for the first 4 months of my baby’s life. I think my dog definitely went through a small period of depression as she wasn’t getting all the attention she was used to- she didn’t act out or anything, just stayed on the recliner when she is usually glued to my hip.

Fast forward 2 months, family is back together but my dog’s skull has sunken in behind her eyes, and her back/back legs have started to become stiff. Her breathing is a bit heavier and louder. She isn’t really interested in her food. I’m wondering if she might have some sort of disease or cancer? Z

I plan on taking her to the vet, but wanted to know what I should expect. How do they determine if a dog has a terminal illness or if it’s just old age? Blood test?

Curious what other’s experiences have been.

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