How did my pup's first groom go so wrong, and how do I prevent it in the future (without sounding like a total B)?


New member
I hope this post is OK. I'm a customer, not a groomer, but you awesome peeps are by far the most qualified community to answer, ESPECIALLY the "without sounding like a total B" part! I had a bit of a disaster with my first ever pro groom, and am kinda an awkward human so would love some feedback on my communication from people who groom dogs as pros to help next time go better. Sorry if this is a touch long but bear with me, I wanna give deets so you have the whole story to go on and are able to call me out if/where necessary.

I have an 8 month old Havanese that I am working on showing for fun. Nothing big or high stakes, it's just something a little different to do together. Havs aren't allowed to have any trimming or shaping in conformation and are required to be presented in a completely natural coat, so I take meticulous care of her coat at home (line brushing with a metal comb every day, bath and blow out weekly, leave in conditioner and spot-washing when needed, etc) to ensure she's presentable in the ring. I'm still learning- she's my first long haired dog AND first dog I've shown- but I do try really hard to keep things in good shape. A couple months ago I got the bright idea that it would be helpful to not only groom at home but start getting her socialized to the environment of a grooming shop and have someone other than me work on her. It wasn't feasible to have one of my more Havanese-experienced show friends help groom her, but I did get some recommendations for local pros.

The person I chose came highly recommended as a show groomer of drop-coat breeds. I talked to her on the phone originally, where she assured me she's styled Havs in full coat before so a puppy intro bath would be no problem. She transferred me to reception to book the actual appointment. I booked a basic bath and brush and also asked to make a note that the only trimming I wanted was the bottoms of pads and sanitary that came with the basic service. Their basic bath service wasn't supposed to include any trimming beyond those two things anyway but I wanted to make sure. I don't think I explicitly put in the notes that we were growing out her show coat, although they did ask a lot about how she behaved during various phases of grooming and I shared all the extensive things we've worked on at home in anticipation of showing. I can't remember whether I re-stated my exact expectation when I dropped her off, but for sure no one asked me about style or shape so I guess maybe I assumed they knew we weren't wanting any cutting?

It seems the main groomer passed my dog along to an apprentice and the apprentice did what I think of as a "doodle cut" (not visible in the picture is super tight shaping on her feet and legs and a big shaved bulls-eye around her b-hole). It was... not good. I mean it wasn't terribly executed, but didn't really work with her face and coat type and was just so far from what I expected I was speechless. I also unfortunately didn't ask the questions I should have at the time about what went wrong cause I was so shocked. Needless to say we didn't do well in her first show, heh.

My girl looks kinda like some permutation of poodle mix if you're not familiar with Havs, so I'm wondering if the apprentice mistook her for another dog on the schedule...Is that something that could happen? Do groomers often do extra non-included trimming? Was I just not specific enough in my ask, or should I have told them about her show coat in particular? I didn't want to give TOO much info in the notes at the time cause it already felt like I'd told them her life story, but I'm worried this was my big mistake. Thinking back on it, no duh the groomer wouldn't have remembered our phone conversation from a week before.

Is there a better way to find out if a groomer is going to be a good fit for someone like me and make my will known without coming across as that customer, or should I just forget about it for now and deal with finding a pro groomer once she's no longer showing? I thought I'd found a good fit so am still pretty bummed it turned out how it did. My dog is going through her coat change now and I'd REALLY like to pay someone else to do a bath and blow out from time to time, but I'm unsure if the same series of conversations would turn out the same at another groomer. I also don't want her to be one of those dogs who is fine with me but terrified or a total hellion on someone else's table down the line, yet I'm scared of another accidental disaster cause idk what (or how) to ask when talking to a potential groomer. I've talked to some show peeps but of course they were all Karen fury and no great advice so I'd love the other perspective ;) TIA!
@champollion your first experience went wrong because of the groomers poor communication skills. Im livid for you because all you asked for was pawpads, sani and a bath - here in shop that would've been around 40$ i wouldve done exactly what you asked washed, conditioned, blow dry, brush/combed, ears, nails, sani and pawpads. our bath service also includes an eye trim and rounding the feet so i would then reverberate to you if you wanted that also. you must find a groomer that will listen to what you need done. at the end of the day that is your dog not mine so i do what you want me to do and pay me to do, whether it be a funny cut or a cute cut..unless matted of course. im not going to do a bunch of extra trimming on whats supposed to be a bath service if i were, its a price jump and ill need to talk to you about the haircut choices. So to answer your question no, i dont think this was acceptable, they mustve been confused or somethings weird there ..if you chose a groomer specifically to take care of your baby then they shouldnt be passed to someone else to take care of. Try a different grooming facility for next time, there are alot of great groomers around
@123m One of the weirdest parts was that a face trim was extra/not included in the service I purchased so you'd think they at least would have wanted more money to do it, hah! Appreciate your comment. I think it gives me at least some good questions to ask the next shop I'm thinking about trying out!
@champollion Perhaps they were 'trying to go the extra mile' but I dunno I just do what I'm told to and to the best of my ability. That's why I try to have proper listening skills when speaking to clients, I could miss something very small like 'dont trim the ears' but I do wish you tons of luck with your baby in the future I know it's a lot to maintain a show coat but how beautiful it will be!
@123m I think the biggest lesson is to just bring up all the little details so there's no chance of assumptions being made. Cause little things definitely do get missed in all things, grooming included. I've been kinda shy and overly afraid of coming across as demanding so will need to practice finding a better balance!

And thank you so much for the well wishes... I'm knocking on wood while saying this but her coat change has been going well so far compared to what I expected/feared. It's not a picnic but considering everyone I've talked to has said this stage is the very worst they'll ever be, I'm REALLY hoping that means keeping her in a full coat won't be too bad!
@champollion It sounds like your groomer didn’t do a good check in it’s very strange they didn’t confirm with you exactly what you wanted mistakes do happen tho and they could have just been really busy that day and just figured it was just a standard face feet and tail trim For their next groom I’d recommend going over the whole groom during the check in process and if u have any pictures of what u want that is always amazing it might seem over bearing but any good groomer will see that you just care and won’t mind at all and if anything appreciate you telling them what they want a lot of owners will be super vague and we just guess what they want and hope for the best so the more info the better :)
@skn That makes sense. And in retrospect I REALLY should've been more thorough at check in, but being back in March-ish it was before anything was really reopened...It was kinda this awkward leash hand off right next to the door while someone else waited to pick up their dog impatiently outside cause they couldn't come in while someone else was there due to capacity rules lol. I think everyone was probably pretty flustered for a while in situations like that, both customers and groomers. Shit happens for sure though, and I'm definitely over it in terms of being upset, so thank you for advice for next time!!

Dumb follow up question... my pup is working on her coat but it probably won't look like the beautiful traditional Havanese show coat for quite a while. If I'm not getting any kind of trimming at all, just a bath, would a picture still help or should I just say "no scissors or clippers at all anywhere please?" Or, if a picture WOULD still help, do you think it's more helpful to bring a "aspirational" picture like the one above and say "this is what we're working toward so we can't do any trims," or bring a picture of a dog more near her age/stage with a natural coat?

Thank you!!
@champollion I think it’s always a good idea to show ur groomer a picture of what u want your dog to eventually look like they can help you out with product recommendations and at home care but do remember not all dogs are breed with good genetics in mind so youmay not be able to get 100% the look you want that being said I think it’s best to try to find a groomer you really like and just continue to see them the groomer appreciates the constant business of an owner that clearly deeply care about their dog, the dog gets comfortable with them making it a less stressful time and you know you pup is in hands of a groomer that cares and will take good care of them win win situation
@skn Awesome thank you so much for the advice! I hope to find a good grooming relationship soon. This thread has really helped me feel like I can do the right things to make sure nothing weird happens in the future. I've got a couple other possible shop recommendations to check out so once I get my courage up here soon I'll try again!

Also on the topic of genetics... omg I'm biting my nails hehe. Luckily my pup comes from good genes so I'm probably a little better positioned to keep up high hopes than some, although I'd drop dead from joy if her coat turned out like the one in the picture (for those not Havanese nerds, the picture is of the #2/soon-to-be-#1 show Hav of all time, he's quite literally perfect, hah). The adult coat is always sketchy in Havs, and especially with her, since dam had a nearly-straight coat and sire had a VERY curly coat and I literally have no idea what we might get out of her adult coat. Sorry to prattle on about it but I wrote this all out then realized I was dorking out hard so might as well leave it in case anyone cares ;)
@champollion I’d say most groomers in this thread are total nerds about this stuff (like I am) and love to heard about everything and to talk people ears off about how to properly take care of their dogs if u have any questions ever there’s always someone with answers :) glad we could help!
@champollion I'm so sorry this happened to you! It is definitely not anything you did. I'm not sure what happened but it doesn't seem right to me that you thought you were making an appointment with one groomer and either they weren't honest about their skills or they had someone else do it. Always, no matter what, go over exactly what you want at check in. It seems like it was their fault for not confirming that with you. Even if I think I know what someone wants, I will at least say, "same as last time?" or ask what they want anyway.
@champollion This was not your dog's 'first groom'. You've been grooming her daily, and bathing her weekly, as you've said here. Yes, communication seems to be the issue."This is a show dog. I want a show groom. Do you groom Havanese for conformation shows? Have YOU groomed Havanese for competition? Havanese are neither trimmed nor shaped, we need the coat left natural'' You needed to say all of this. Now, contact your local Havanese community for grooming references. Your breed club is a great resource for information. I'm surprised at the 'show peeps' unhelpful response. I groom my own poodle, we've done some really low-level shows, and i've brought her to a professional groomer twice, once during her coat change. A misunderstanding of this nature simply cannot occur. Something is missing in this story.
@josh0302 Yes of course not her first groom, forgive the lack of precision. Her first pro groom. And mine too, on any dog, fwiw! So I'm fully ready to accept my screw-ups as a total newbie here. I made a lot of assumptions about how things would go down, as the groomer did come recommended by a couple show Hav owners as one nearby who they knew had done well on Havanese in show coats. That said, clearly other people have had an experience that was 180 degrees from mine with the same groomer and I agree that indicates something is missing, thus the post 😊 I'm hoping not to miss the same thing if I try again. And you're right I didn't say any of those things when I dropped her off and relied way too much on things being remembered from a preliminary call and some brief notes on the appointment. Lesson learned.
@bfg33 The main groomer at the shop has shown her own maltese, bichon and various others over the years and also has a good reputation with other breeds of drop coat show dogs. There's no one local who does Havs that I've found but I thought that would be fine, considering maltese have a fairly similar standard for show coat. She's also pretty highly credentialed. I'm honestly having a lot of trouble finding anyone else local who is as qualified on paper as her :( I just wish I'd actually gotten the groomer I thought I was getting...

Eta- you're not the first person who has assumed it was a pet groomer actually, when I told a couple local friends I got the same exact reaction until I shared whose shop it was. so I'm guessing this is not a very typical experience from a shop belonging to a show groomer?

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