How can I keep my dog still after surgery? They said she couldn’t walk for two weeks but she’s walking 7 hours after and I can’t keep her still


New member
My dog got a growth removed from her leg this morning, they said she shouldn’t be walking for about a week but I can’t keep her from waddling out of her bed. Can someone please tell what to do to make her rest? It wasn’t a major surgery, she got sedated but the surgery was maybe 30 minutes and we left right after. She’s a strong dog (8 year old chihuahua) but 7 hours is really soon and I really want her to rest but she’s not tired, she doesn’t even look like she’s in pain anymore.
@faith4l Vet tech - not walking at all would be a bit much. She should absolutely only walk and not run, not be off leash. If she wants to be really active, ask the vet for sedatives to keep her from being too active.
@honoringintimates No she’s pretty chill, she was walking around the house yesterday and it kinda freaked me out so she slept in a cage. Today we’re outside together and she’s still walking but after finding a nice place in the shade, she’s good.
@faith4l Yeah that's fine. You can't expect her to not walk at all. The worry with a mass removal is that the incision will be stretched or torn open, or that a seroma will build up under the incision. If she can walk gently and the leg looks fine, you're good.

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