Hi everyone, my dog has been completely normal until recently and specifically tonight


New member
My dog has thrown up 4 different times tonight and it’s been a lot of water with small pieces of kibble. She isn’t even gagging, it’s just coming out super rapidly and at random times. Nothing in the throw up is something that she shouldn’t have eaten and she hasn’t eaten anything new. I’m debating taking her to a 24 hour vet since it’s night time but I’m not sure if anyone else has also dealt with this. My dog also hasn’t been drinking a lot of water, wasn’t running around and this happened after she was simply laying down.
@kambz72 Please at least call an emergency vet and describe the symptoms to see if they believe she should come in. This could be a sign of an emergency situation, but they are much better equipped to advise than us.
@jandolphrohnson we actually ended up taking her to the emergency vet last night and then her primary vet this morning. There was no obstruction and they think it was acute gastroenteritis so still very scary but they aren't sure what caused it.
@jmh1030 we actually ended up taking her to the emergency vet last night and then her primary vet this morning. There was no obstruction and they think it was acute gastroenteritis so still very scary but they aren't sure what caused it.
@jmh1030 It is a good prognosis. I think with acute gastroenteritis it can escalate after your dog gets super dehydrated. We took her pretty early so they gave her lots of IV fluids, gave her an antibiotic, anti nausea medicine and a probiotic! She’s still very resistant about eating and still very nauseous but they said it should get better over the next few days. Thank you for your concern, it’s very kind!